Look at her Basquiat painting in the background of some of her IG shots. Read the comments in her IG posts! People know.
Look at the "Mothers Day" picture her daughter drew for her last year (I think). Tell me that doesn't have weird Pedo abuse written all over it.
Let's not forget the Frazzledrip-esqe image on a white hoodie she wore and the "Wilson" (Frazzledrip) volleyball imagery with Tom Hanks.
When people ask me how I can believe she's in GITMO, I point out all the people on her and Tom Hanks IG that have left comments calling them out. A celebrity in control of their account would just lock the comments and delete the negativeones or wipe the entire post altogether. They haven't! That's because Patriot's are in control of their accounts.
This link has since been deleted and the archive is slow to load. TL;DR is she was a CIA asset since the mid 90's around the time she came out as gay on her sitcom and started pushing that agenda. https://web.archive.org/web/20200109014059/https://tiffanyfitzhenry.com/deep-dives/behind-the-illusion-ellen-degeneres/
May 21 2020 Frazzledrip painting. https://twentytwowords.com/people-terrified-by-ellen-degeneres-sick-painting-while-she-cuts-her-moms-hair/
Look at her Basquiat painting in the background of some of her IG shots. Read the comments in her IG posts! People know.
Look at the "Mothers Day" picture her daughter drew for her last year (I think). Tell me that doesn't have weird Pedo abuse written all over it.
Let's not forget the Frazzledrip-esqe image on a white hoodie she wore and the "Wilson" (Frazzledrip) volleyball imagery with Tom Hanks.
When people ask me how I can believe she's in GITMO, I point out all the people on her and Tom Hanks IG that have left comments calling them out. A celebrity in control of their account would just lock the comments and delete the negativeones or wipe the entire post altogether. They haven't! That's because Patriot's are in control of their accounts.