I do believe that they all aren't in the cruel part of the club. I believe so many lay be lower ranks. And the words in the books themselves say a club in a club. They hide the evil with many things that seem good. That's how they slowly reel them in and filter out the ones who have that cruel evil in them. I have also considered so many posed pictures. Many might have nothing to do with it. But the photographers could be in deep. Using the people to mKe their own statements. There are many that I'm sure have seen the darker side. And you can tell by their art and attitude. Until they are actually convicted and proven so much is skeptical. The fact is somewhere burined in all the info. As I'm also quite sure lots of disinfo to confuse the people searching them out. Making huge accusations with only that as proof for some....I say this as to the ones with one random posed pic as opposed to the ones like lady gaga and beyonce who have 1000s. I'm also quite sure many got in found out and got out quick but kept their mouths shut to save themselves. I don't have facts but what he presented. But I also don't get things like implicating trump with a handshake. A simple handshake that the other person puts their thumb on top. Anyone could do that to anyone shaking hands. Its not until they understand the symbolism that they know whats happening. Just my long interpretation of the long ass documentary! It was very well done though. So much information
I do believe that they all aren't in the cruel part of the club. I believe so many lay be lower ranks. And the words in the books themselves say a club in a club. They hide the evil with many things that seem good. That's how they slowly reel them in and filter out the ones who have that cruel evil in them. I have also considered so many posed pictures. Many might have nothing to do with it. But the photographers could be in deep. Using the people to mKe their own statements. There are many that I'm sure have seen the darker side. And you can tell by their art and attitude. Until they are actually convicted and proven so much is skeptical. The fact is somewhere burined in all the info. As I'm also quite sure lots of disinfo to confuse the people searching them out. Making huge accusations with only that as proof for some....I say this as to the ones with one random posed pic as opposed to the ones like lady gaga and beyonce who have 1000s. I'm also quite sure many got in found out and got out quick but kept their mouths shut to save themselves. I don't have facts but what he presented. But I also don't get things like implicating trump with a handshake. A simple handshake that the other person puts their thumb on top. Anyone could do that to anyone shaking hands. Its not until they understand the symbolism that they know whats happening. Just my long interpretation of the long ass documentary! It was very well done though. So much information