544 Minnesota..................... (media.greatawakening.win) ? B O O M ! ? posted 3 years ago by Emyrylde 3 years ago by Emyrylde +544 / -0 111 comments download share 111 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I agree! Make MNnotahellhole
Name checks out. I'm here in Rochester,. MN still is a beautiful state, just needs to be cleaned and gutted.
I'm pretty near you! Southern MN and Northern MN are still sane areas. We are NOT like Minneapolis. In my little town I can walk around the neighborhood at night and feel perfectly safe, and I'm female. That's how quiet it is here.
Oh no kidding? You don't have to give away any info you don't want, but where abouts? I️ doubt there is a single "blue" town in MN.