The Cancer Has Metastasized: British Columbia Will Not Require Parental Consent For COVID-19 Vaccines, Nor, Will They Disclose Immunization Records To Parents Without Consent Of The Child
? These people are sick! ?

Man, they sure want minors to be able to consent to things. These sick fucks are doing this for one thing, and one thing only: so that minors can consent to having sex with adults, and the adults won’t get in trouble. It’s coming, and we all know it. Street justice is going to be plentiful if this stuff goes on much longer.
So everyone can demand vaccination "papers" except a child's parents.
That just makes so much fucking sense.
Great point.
That potentially creates some logistical issues as well. For the sake of a vaccine passport, to keep it a secret from their parent(s), the child would need to figure out the paperwork on their own (or have help from another adult).
First it was Manitoba & Tennessee:
Then it was Nova Scotia:
Now, it is British Columbia (but even worse!). Their way hides the crime, at least temporarily.
Some good news though, on the Canadian front, someone has put together this liability disclaimer against any school which tries to do this:
So...12 year olds can give informed consent? I wonder where this will lead.
And that would end school for my child
They are offering free Ice Cream in Ontario at Toronto City Hall/Nathan Philips Square tomorrow, for any child 12 to 17 getting a jab, with or without parental consent!!!! How can this be happening? I marched for Freedom today, but cannot go tomorrow. Please, please, please let no one show up!!!!!
You got me digging, found out that parental consent isn't required in at least six provinces.
They are:
Can provide stories/articles to back it up if anyone wants.
If minors can consent to get vaccinated without permission by their parents, they can also decide not to serve anymore in the prison called school.
Trudeau- “look at me, I am your parents now!”
Do this in Arkansas. Turn me into Christopher Dorner. DO IT.
It’s already in place in Ontario. I live near Toronto. They advertise on Facebook that they would vaxx kids 12and up without parental permission. I could not believe my ears and eyes . It’s real bad here. The supreme leader of Ontario Doug Ford has openly said people until 80% are vaxxed we will be in lockdown . Over two months of house arrest already
Homeschool or die.
The way things are shaping up in Canada the stuff about Canada becoming a series of US states is looking more and more likely and the only probable alternative due to simple necessity and practical concerns(IE collapsing to a point where the US stepping in is the only alternative option to civil war...)
WTF Canada? They have really gone off the rails.
We prey with you . Because at least if trumps back in he can help us as well . Americans you must realize you are the last stand . The last country with guns . The last country where the political class are still afraid of the people . Please don’t give that up
I want to SCREAM! If this was for the greater good, it wouldn't be fear driven.
If this were for the greater good, there would be no need for secrecy. I am unsure what needs to happen worldwide........but it feels like a giant steamroller keeps going! Maybe we should all do what Karen from Bush Telegraph advocates, which is gather but entirely silently. No signs, no bullhorns, no cars honking. Just gather like the silent conscience all our politicians, health officials, big Tech CEOs and media have been ignoring. She has a very compelling video about how to organize it but I cannot find it again yet. Will post when I do, unless someone else knows it first.