If you hang out here, undoubtedly you've seen one of the many posts that either outright praises Jack Posobiec (such as the current #1 unsticked post here https://greatawakening.win/p/12igmKYEx4/bold-post-from-posobiec/c/ [Bold Post from Posobiec], or simply use him as a mediary when linking to other news (i.e. posting Jack when Jack is merely posting a link to reuters or some other news, such as here https://greatawakening.win/p/12igmKWruC/at-least-90000-confiscated-from-/).
So here's a top 10 list of why you should stop linking to Jack Posobiec.
#1) Jack Posobiec is a Mossad asset
#2) Jack Posobiec forged a chat with a friend of his called "microchip" that attempted to prove that Q is his friend and that Q is a fraud.
In the above link you'll see Q proving that Jack Posobiec forged a discord chat with "microchip". You can tell its forged because it uses stock Apple iphone images and that it links to a Breitbart article that hadn't even been published yet.
#3) Jack Posobiec attempts to deceive autists
from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124
Attempts to deceive AUTISTS/ANONS will FAIL.
#4) Jack Posobiec is only doing it for money
from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124
We are a threat to their livelihood [+CLAS].
#5) Jack Posobiec attempted to corrupt OANN
Do not let their attempts corrupt GOOD organizations.
Think OANN.
#6) Jack Posobiec wants to divide us
from https://qalerts.app/?n=2124
They (referring to AJ associates) want you DIVIDED.
#7) Jack Posobiec was caught on June 13, 2017, tweeting from CIA headquarters.
from https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/
Jack Posobiec was caught on 2017 Jun 13 tweeting from the CIA headquarters, indicating a CIA connection, so lets just say he has issues regarding trustworthiness.
The tweet is still on archive.org
4:51 PM - 13 Jun 2017 from George H.W. Bush Center For Intelligence (CIA Headquarters)
#8) Jack Posobiec is still on twitter.
With all the attacks on conservatives and the great purge of them from twitter, HOW is Jack Posobiec still on there?
#9) Jack Posobiec protects child traffickers
Jack mocks anyone who suggests Wayfare was child trafficking
Now the Wayfair hoax is making it harder to fight actual child trafficking
#10) Jack and the Cemex Child Trafficking Camp incident
Back in 2018 there was a child trafficking camp found in Tucscon Arizona with child restraints found on trees of property owned by the Cemex company.
Here is a great, extensively sourced article on the subject: https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/10/09/child-trafficking-part-1-tucson-child-trafficking-camp/
In summary, from that article
Then suddenly on June 8th, in an extraordinary U-turn, several people started to brief that it was not a child trafficking camp. Craig Sawyer, Alex Jones /Infowars, Jack Posobiec, An Open Secret/Gabe Hoffman and Revenge of the Cis all started to attack Lewis Arthur and Veterans on Patrol
Out of nowhere, they started insisting that it was a hoax and mocking anyone who suggested otherwise. What made Jack Posobiec so certain that child trafficking never happened on that camp that Cemex bulldozed? Did he have a crystal ball and was able to see in the past, every minute of the camp's existance?
Jack posobiec hates you. He hates Q followers. He hates Q. He mocked you every chance he got and made it his mission to destroy Q's message.
He's a gatekeeper. He pretends to be against child sex trafficking so when you start sniffing too close to home (Wayfare, child sex trafficking camps), he can mock those who take that position so as to controll discourse, limit discourse, on topics his masters don't want you to know about.
Personally, I put him in the same box as Alex Jones. Compelling, eye-opening content mixed with disinfo and deflection.
The only reason that I give him any latitude whatsoever is that he had an infant at the time of the cancellation wars. But trust? The has not earned it....