If the Fed/ bankers/ elite need to be destroyed and we go back to real money/ low zero taxes could this be the catalyst? Is DFV aka Roaring Kitty a white hat plant to get the ball rolling?
I've got my tin foil hat on with this but it's been bugging me for a while now.
The stage has been set for some time. Nearly everything is aligned. Russian SPFS with Chinese CIPS to counter cabal SWIFT. Shanghai Gold Exchange eclipsing London. Chinese AIIB, One Belt One Road, etc etc. I know everyone is screaming CCP lately, and they aren’t wrong. Communism is China is the cabal, there is no question. But Xi is with the alliance and they have been steadily advancing a parallel world economic order for many years now. Cabal BIS fiat is going to be wiped out and the alliance has been preparing asset/commodities backed currencies that will replace them when the time comes.