Do you call out the entire ethnicity of Italians because of the Italian mafia, and their well documented involvement with Hollywood, political corruption, and general thug behavior, and societal degeneracy? .... ....
Narrow your focus, and avoid collateral damage against our patriotic American jewish allies please.
100% same with hispanics, blacks, asians, and whites. There's shitty people everywhere. Hispanics have thugs and illegal immigration, blacks have thugs and fatherless homes, asians have....there's something, and whites have supremacist nihilists, and degeneracy of what is morally good. But guess what, all those bad things are accross the board. We are going through a cultural problem, not a racial problem. Most people are too stupid to think.
"OK. Not ALL the [Unvaccinated]. That is axiomatic. But it is still [an Unvaccinated people's] problem and we better figure out how to handle it. Time is getting short."
See how this works? Either we fight against it, or we don't.
Picking the characteristic related to the problem is pretty important. Why stop at expanding the category from Zionists to Jews? Let's just include all humans as well. Then everyone can be our enemy.
If somebody is taking part in a relatively small satanic group trying to take over the world through sneaky devious means, then they need to be strung up. The answer is individual accountability and responsibility. I realize that some predictions can be made about an individual from general group characteristics. Black people are, by far, the least likely of any demo to give a tip. At least in places where I have worked. Yet I've gotten some great tips from some Blacks also. So I cannot judge each person on the basis of group membership.
Sounds like you're responding to something not facts on the ground. The original Zionist bought land from the Turkish land owners, and developed it, including disease-ridden swamps. Arabs moved in to get jobs, then claimed they always owned the land. Other areas were captured in defensive wars the Arabs initiated.
Goyim and gentile mean "the nations". As in other nations in the world. It does NOT mean cattle. That's a smear.
(Golem is a legend of a clay man made by a Rabbi to defend the community, but it's probably just a legend)
The Talmud is a long and involved work of Rabbinical commentary on the laws of the Torah in minute detail and abstraction that makes it a difficult area of study. Some anti-Semites focus in on a few problematic passages out of context and declare the whole work evil. Is that what you're planning to do?
I can't speak for other anons, but some verses from the Sanhedrin are quite strange, so I think that's what he's talking about.
is this just some weird way to tell stories? like morality plays? isn't Sanhedrin part of the Talmud?
and maybe I missed it, since I was raised Catholic-not proficient in the Bible-
but I don't remember talking about children and 'intercourse' in catechism class...
"The Gemara asks: With regard to what principle do Rav and Shmuel disagree?
The Gemara answers: Rav holds that any halakha that applies to one who engages in intercourse actively applies to one who engages in intercourse passively,
and any halakha that does not apply to one who engages in intercourse actively does not apply to one who engages in intercourse passively.
Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old,
as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse,
so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively,
the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable.
Jews is different from zionist.
All zionists are jews, but not all jews are zionists.
OK. Not ALL the Jews. That is axiomatic. But it is still a Jewish problem and we better figure out how to handle it. Time is getting short.
And it’s not just “Zionists”.
Do you call out the entire ethnicity of Italians because of the Italian mafia, and their well documented involvement with Hollywood, political corruption, and general thug behavior, and societal degeneracy? .... ....
Narrow your focus, and avoid collateral damage against our patriotic American jewish allies please.
100% same with hispanics, blacks, asians, and whites. There's shitty people everywhere. Hispanics have thugs and illegal immigration, blacks have thugs and fatherless homes, asians have....there's something, and whites have supremacist nihilists, and degeneracy of what is morally good. But guess what, all those bad things are accross the board. We are going through a cultural problem, not a racial problem. Most people are too stupid to think.
"OK. Not ALL the [Unvaccinated]. That is axiomatic. But it is still [an Unvaccinated people's] problem and we better figure out how to handle it. Time is getting short."
See how this works? Either we fight against it, or we don't.
Picking the characteristic related to the problem is pretty important. Why stop at expanding the category from Zionists to Jews? Let's just include all humans as well. Then everyone can be our enemy.
If somebody is taking part in a relatively small satanic group trying to take over the world through sneaky devious means, then they need to be strung up. The answer is individual accountability and responsibility. I realize that some predictions can be made about an individual from general group characteristics. Black people are, by far, the least likely of any demo to give a tip. At least in places where I have worked. Yet I've gotten some great tips from some Blacks also. So I cannot judge each person on the basis of group membership.
You should search and learn about legal name fraud and how it really works.
Nothing wrong with Jews supporting their ancestral homeland.
If there's another connotation to zionist, tell me.
Sounds like you're responding to something not facts on the ground. The original Zionist bought land from the Turkish land owners, and developed it, including disease-ridden swamps. Arabs moved in to get jobs, then claimed they always owned the land. Other areas were captured in defensive wars the Arabs initiated.
Goyim and gentile mean "the nations". As in other nations in the world. It does NOT mean cattle. That's a smear.
(Golem is a legend of a clay man made by a Rabbi to defend the community, but it's probably just a legend)
I can't speak for other anons, but some verses from the Sanhedrin are quite strange, so I think that's what he's talking about.
is this just some weird way to tell stories? like morality plays? isn't Sanhedrin part of the Talmud?
and maybe I missed it, since I was raised Catholic-not proficient in the Bible- but I don't remember talking about children and 'intercourse' in catechism class...
really is a creepy verse:(
"The Gemara asks: With regard to what principle do Rav and Shmuel disagree?
The Gemara answers: Rav holds that any halakha that applies to one who engages in intercourse actively applies to one who engages in intercourse passively,
and any halakha that does not apply to one who engages in intercourse actively does not apply to one who engages in intercourse passively.
Therefore, just as one who engages in intercourse actively is not liable if he is less than nine years old,
as the intercourse of such a child does not have the halakhic status of intercourse,
so too, if a child who is less than nine years old engages in homosexual intercourse passively,
the one who engages in intercourse with him is not liable. 22" ושמואל