Truth is, she probably will end up being classified an enemy combat and hung at gitmo. She isn’t wrong.
Colluding with a foreign nation to inflict a WMD on the world, while also attempting to subvert the nuclear chain of command for that foreign nation is about a big a crime as it gets.
This idiot probably didn’t even launder the money she was paid. It’s probably in her in laws name or some shit.
People should never have voted for an obvious commie lesbian but so many people blindly trust a Karen “white woman... “ and fraud. Don’t you love that you can always guess the nationality of the writers as all they ever do is run cover for their fellow “whites...” and she’s a fucking idiot
It’s funny when you read the quote.
Truth is, she probably will end up being classified an enemy combat and hung at gitmo. She isn’t wrong.
Colluding with a foreign nation to inflict a WMD on the world, while also attempting to subvert the nuclear chain of command for that foreign nation is about a big a crime as it gets.
This idiot probably didn’t even launder the money she was paid. It’s probably in her in laws name or some shit.
Fucking idiots.
People should never have voted for an obvious commie lesbian but so many people blindly trust a Karen “white woman... “ and fraud. Don’t you love that you can always guess the nationality of the writers as all they ever do is run cover for their fellow “whites...” and she’s a fucking idiot
Who says they "voted " for her
Yes... she was dominioned in wasn't she?