posted ago by EuropeanRepublican ago by EuropeanRepublican +39 / -0

I am increasingly worried that seeing that the Great Awakening is now beginning and accelerating, the Deep State might choose to not stop at just disclosing random UFO videos and abduction files.

We all know that BlueBeam was potentially already planned to commence in the 80s or 90s and was postponed multiple times for some reason, or alternatively seems as a "disposable plan" to be enacted whenever the time comes. A lot of alien invasion movies from that era (and from the 2000s and 2010s) have predictive programming character.

The time might be now.

MSM are slowly but surely beginning to push asteroids. I recall a predictive programming asteroid movie called Greenland (worth watching not just because of conspiracy references but also just because it's a nice movie) a couple months ago.


I know that asteroids per se have nothing to do with BlueBeam. But in respect to the movies, perhaps an asteroid might be used as an intro to the aliens?

Asteroid impact kills millions -> we find out that the aliens sent it -> aliens send more asteroids to conveniently kill/depopulate more millions

What do you think, do you see the same connections I do?