Car salesman fag here. Had a customer today who was obviously handicapped much like a stroke victim. After introducing himself he apologized about his slurred speech due to an “accident”. He slowly moved through the lot with his wife and after landing them on a car his wife went for a test drive. I stayed behind with him while she drove and during a conversation he told me he had a “bad reaction” to the J&J vaccine and it “really messed him up”. Yeah, it really did. The poor guy is in his early 60’s and can’t even drink from a cup anymore. His face was paralyzed and his movement was severely hobbled. Funny thing is when is came to negotiations he became irate and extremely confrontational. At one point after presenting him with some protection options (rust proofing ?) he actually asked “what idiots fall for this crap?” This coming from a guy who injected himself with an experimental drug and is now suffering horribly from it. Funny how common sense sometimes isn’t enough. Now I will never wish harm on anyone but at what point do we stop feeling sorry for them and start pointing out the idiocracy? All the risks associated with the vaccine and MRNA gene therapy are never talked about and the options given are get the Stab or no normal life. Never any mention of people who already had the infection and are immune or the percentage of the population that are already immune. Their intentions and agenda is clear. Those who can’t see it for what it really is deserve what may happen especially when what we tell them fall on deaf ears.
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Ironically, Biden's dad was a used car salesman. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree.
But let's be clear, the car dealership isnt a place to look for friends. If you want a friend, buy a dog.
The point here was to point out the irony how the consumer was quick to scrutinize the car dealership on principal, but didn't bother for a thorough examination of the vax.
The ultimate upsell is being done by our Government, not our brother, PlatosCave. He's got to push the cogs at his job to get paid like we all do.
And all I did was point out my personal opinions of car salesmen....I’m not sure why some got so emotional. Plato actually boasted how he screwed over an obviously poorly educated individual....” At one point after presenting him with some protection options (rust proofing ?)....”
Plato knows the stuff he up sells is crap.....I don’t think that is the right thing to do...and no one said anything about “friends,” but blatant deception doesn’t sound very Christian.
It's a car dealership, not a church though.
I'd like an option where I got a fair price, and no upsell, but it's very unrealistic.
Seriously, I've had to work through the bowels of dealerships when we did mechanic work at a neighboring garage.
The car industry is rotten from the top down, and when I say that I mean all the way back to the people who designed the vehicles, and called the shots for them.
Hell, even the little shops will fuck you before they kiss you. It's why I left. I didn't want to be molded by the machine.
Not at all....I just don’t like scummy people...are you scummy? You are now making personal it seems like you are scummy.
You laughed and boasted that you tricked an old guy with a medical issue....very honorable sir. Have a good day.