Catholic history will always tell the other side of the story that Freemasons present and America is largely under the spell of Freemasonic education and "history" lessons.
You might want to hear what a Catholic historian has to say about the Habsburgs before making a final call.
Again, who is giving you this history lesson? Freemasons and other "secular" historians? Catholic historians?
The puppet masters set up both sides of the conflict so they control the battle and win either way. openly fighting while privately working towards the same goals and serving the same masters.
The pope and catholic church - the same ones that just in recent decades say a personal connection to Jesus is dangerous? (go through them only for 'truth') protecting pedo priests on a mass scale, open embrace communism - and wear red shoes?
They are not the good guys. Anyone even suggesting that has not been following the boards or history - or has been and is trying to misdirect people.
Check out all the links I posted. You're going to like 'em :) It gives a totally different perspective from what we're commonly fed by Freemasonic historians. I was blown away for years learning history from a Catholic perspective.
I'm not saying we'll come to the same conclusion, but if you like to research history, you'll appreciate another perspective from the 99% of stuff out there. I promise.
The first link paints the Jesuit order in a great light.. from what I can see and tell from the Jesuits, they’ve either been infiltrated or have always been a counter catholic order
In Beth Griech-Polelle’s article, we find a similar theme to that of Elmgren’s research: Jesuits and Jews are portrayed as being one and the same entity posing an existential threat, only this time, it is not in Finnish post-Civil War society, but rather in Nazi Germany. Examining the views of various Nazi leaders, Griech-Polelle seeks to show how Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Dietrich Eckart, and others conflated long-standing stereotypes and imagery of Jesuits with stereotypes of Jewish-ness and Bolshevism. In these leaders’ minds, Bolshevism was the product of Jewish materialistic thinking and Jesuitism had been inundated with “Jewish qualities.” Both Jesuitism and Jewish-ness were seen as working together to pose an existential threat to the continued success of the German people.
When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
You still need to consider who is giving you this information.
Are you reading history as told by Freemasons? Well then, you still have a problem.
Habsburgs were Catholics and Freemasons have always sought to destroy Catholic monarchies.
French Revolution comes to mind -
Freemasons will always paint Catholic monarchies as horrible, tyrannical, liberty-snuffing, etc.
More here - - The French Revolution: The Background
Catholic history will always tell the other side of the story that Freemasons present and America is largely under the spell of Freemasonic education and "history" lessons.
You might want to hear what a Catholic historian has to say about the Habsburgs before making a final call.
Again, who is giving you this history lesson? Freemasons and other "secular" historians? Catholic historians?
7.3 Occult Catholic Society - Catholic Monarchy -
The puppet masters set up both sides of the conflict so they control the battle and win either way. openly fighting while privately working towards the same goals and serving the same masters.
The pope and catholic church - the same ones that just in recent decades say a personal connection to Jesus is dangerous? (go through them only for 'truth') protecting pedo priests on a mass scale, open embrace communism - and wear red shoes?
They are not the good guys. Anyone even suggesting that has not been following the boards or history - or has been and is trying to misdirect people.
Check out all the links I posted. You're going to like 'em :) It gives a totally different perspective from what we're commonly fed by Freemasonic historians. I was blown away for years learning history from a Catholic perspective.
I'm not saying we'll come to the same conclusion, but if you like to research history, you'll appreciate another perspective from the 99% of stuff out there. I promise.
The first link paints the Jesuit order in a great light.. from what I can see and tell from the Jesuits, they’ve either been infiltrated or have always been a counter catholic order
They were infiltrated by Freemasonry -
The Jesuits began as an anti-communist order.
Entire playlist:
There are 13 videos on that playlist alone about the Jesuits told from a different perspective other than "Jesuits bad!"
Here is more:
When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
Just the facts ma'am