posted ago by making_upvotes ago by making_upvotes +40 / -1

A Petition for the Freedom of Information of the Events Taken During the Pandemic.

It becomes necessary for one people to demand information pertaining to events that drastically alter the lives of every free American. The event in question is the ongoing and seemingly never-ending pandemic caused by the SAR-COV 2 virus. This virus has created an unprecedented upheaval in the daily lives of nearly every free American, The destruction of countless small businesses, restrictions of basic liberties and human rights, fear which flourishes from ignorance or lack of insight, increasingly worrisome economic impacts of proposed solutions and the death of our loved ones.

It is becoming more self-evident that the American people were never properly informed as to the origins of this virus. Nor have they had the opportunity to see information necessary to create well informed opinions on the matter at hand; but rather are at the mercy of receiving the information through the lens of the subjective reality portrayed through the perceptions and opinions of media, social media, information and technology corporations. As opposed to objective truth.

Anyone who has a dissenting opinion about the little information they do receive are censored by large information technology corporations who masquerade as the gatekeepers of what is factual or fictitious information with no scientific credibility often citing their sources of their decision to those in the media, who often disregard the dissenting opinions of those of credibility in the medical field. with the objective silence or ridicule those who wish to express their dissent.

Any information given to us from our government has been riddled with redactions, withheld under the guise of national security, or have been completely falsified. It has also come to light those members of our government have been cooperating with the corporations previously mentioned to create a narrative to quell the fears and dissenting opinions of free Americans disenfranchising them of their freedom of speech. Taking away the possibility of formulating opinions closer to the truth and notifying their peers of their concerns.

Our federal, state, and local governments actions taken during this pandemic have been nothing short of tyrannical. Subjecting the American populations to unconstitutional lock downs, shut downs, forced participation of wearing articles of clothing in order to receive services necessary for routine life and survival. Unfair treatment to small businesses forced to shut their doors and restricting the liberty of those affected under the guise of public health.

Our governments knowing, they couldn’t force these restrictions through criminal law because said laws would be ruled as unconstitutional. Used executive power and circumvented legislation to place the burden of enforcement of these restrictions on businesses through civil law and executive orders using the health department of local and state governments. Who if said businesses did not comply would be fined, arrested, taken to civil court, license revoked, or forced to shut down. Out of fear of said repercussions or lack of funds to survive a court case were made to enforce arbitrary rules to a virus not many, to this day, understand.

Due to these reasons. We the People demand answers. We demand to know those responsible that subjected us to fear, having liberty being deprived, and our economy on the brink of destruction. We demand to see any documents pertaining to this virus. We demand the professional and personal emails of all government officials or employees, elected or unelected. From all levels federal, state, and local. And all health-related agencies to include but not limited to the CDC, NIH, USDHH, and FDA.

WE demand to see the information our government has had during this pandemic and the conversations they were having and any potential collusion with foreign or domestic; corporations or governments. To see if any potential life saving treatments were ignored or suppressed. to see if this highly experimental vaccine to which the long term effects are still unknown is being purposely pushed upon us is out of legitimate concern, from avarice or malevolent behavior. We demand the whole story and all of the information so we may create more informed decisions and to bring to light any potential profiteering, malice, or any crimes that may have been committed and if those individuals are found to have done so may they be investigated, audited, and arrested.

We have a right to know if foreign governments were involved in the creation of this virus.

We have a right to know if this virus was an attack on the United States of America.

We have a right to know if the actions of our government or any other entity led to the death of our loved ones.

We have a right to know if there are any American actors working with foreign governments within our agencies.

We have a right to know if the timing of this virus is coincidental or was released during our election for the purpose of interference.

We have a right to know if any criminal activity took place with in the ranks of our government agencies.

We have a right to know if this was indeed a biological weapon.

We have a right to know what actions or inaction our governments have been taking.

We have a right to know if the unelected officials in these agencies are competent, or qualified.

We have a right to know if pharmaceutical companies are involved in any information suppression.

We have a right to know if any entity was responsible.

We have a right to know the truth.

The free people of the United States of America have come to the understanding that blind obedience under a shroud of misinformation and censorship whether imposed by government or corporation is no longer tolerable. That the information that is being potentially withheld from us as to whether the individual actions of those that claim to serve America and its people were truly doing so.

We the people will exercise our constitutionally guaranteed rights to assembly regardless of the restrictions imposed by local ordinances or executive orders that say otherwise to receive these answers. The government should be forthright in delivering this information and deliver the answers required. Not because of this petition but rather because it is the morally just and right action to take. This information should not be available only to those who are privileged to see it but rather to the public. We demand Justice, We demand information, We demand transparency and most importantly we demand our liberty.

I ask all of those who have read this petition. If the message conveyed here resonated with you. To publish this far and wide on any or all platforms. If this message becomes censored or suppressed print and publish and distribute paper copies you have the authors permission to do so. Assemble in your local communities and have an open discussion to take action.

please see and review the latest version here Here