Sect. 230 is The section of the US communications decency act letting publishers deplatform us if we "cause offense".
It has a more vile form in the UK thanks to the wishy washy nature of article 10 of the human rights act of the EU which makes free speech subjective. the one i was actually thinking of is Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 in the UK. This makes causing "gross offense" illegal. Its what the rainbow police use to arrest terfs, and anyone with a brain when they start saying "there are two genders".
Your judges are reviewing these, but i have no faith in them to fix this.
It refers to social media being a platform rather than a publisher, as there are different rules for the two. But I don't see how it applies to the UK directly.
I always though soccer was a gay sport. Now confirmed.
Since their politicians like the word omnishambles so much, I'll call these kneeling players omnicucks.
Last i heard they tried this more locally, and got fans riled for it...
You all lost that right with section 230, fren. You need to get that shit repealed fast.
The primary reason i avoid all mainstream socmed is due to that law and its enforcement in the ??.
Sorry conflating laws, so many are bad now.
Sect. 230 is The section of the US communications decency act letting publishers deplatform us if we "cause offense".
It has a more vile form in the UK thanks to the wishy washy nature of article 10 of the human rights act of the EU which makes free speech subjective. the one i was actually thinking of is Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 in the UK. This makes causing "gross offense" illegal. Its what the rainbow police use to arrest terfs, and anyone with a brain when they start saying "there are two genders".
Your judges are reviewing these, but i have no faith in them to fix this.
It refers to social media being a platform rather than a publisher, as there are different rules for the two. But I don't see how it applies to the UK directly.
Any game where the clock counts UP instead of down isn't a real sport.