posted ago by Stonelo ago by Stonelo +75 / -0

A friend of mine I have tried to wake for years now. He hates everything about Trump and got the Jab. We have had many heated arguments. He is a always right type of person. He is a hell of a craftsman and I respect anyone with some real skills now days.

I was talking to him about me making money on meme stocks. If everything I am saying and doing is bullshit. Why are my account growing? He wanted in on the action and asked if I could help him setup a account to get some stock. We setup a account and he is getting a few hundred of AMC today. I sent him a few YouTube links explaining the situation with these stock.

I made it clear that he is going against big banks and our hope it to hurt the system. I think he will red pill himself with the money game. I know his time is limited now with the jab and he is a crazy as hell. He is the type that will hunt down the person that gave said jab when he realizes when they put in him.