We gave the pledge every morning, after a moment of silence for those who fought and sacrificed all to hand us this great and wonderful country we call America.
I remember it being a very proud moment every single morning. Some mornings I would notice the teacher, Mrs. Wilson would tear up and need to clear her throat. One day someone asked her about it, she explained that she had lost her father and two uncles in the Second World War.
Some years later I found out she lost her son and another more distant family member during the Vietnam War.
Many... have truly sacrificed for us to be here today. To Defend Her Still.
We gave the pledge every morning, after a moment of silence for those who fought and sacrificed all to hand us this great and wonderful country we call America.
I remember it being a very proud moment every single morning. Some mornings I would notice the teacher, Mrs. Wilson would tear up and need to clear her throat. One day someone asked her about it, she explained that she had lost her father and two uncles in the Second World War.
Some years later I found out she lost her son and another more distant family member during the Vietnam War.
Many... have truly sacrificed for us to be here today. To Defend Her Still.