posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +163 / -2

BLACK LIVES MATTER..... WELL THE IRONY of the statement is that in the very Continent African American citizens originated from.. THEY DON'T. Africa has 18 countries with Dictatorship rule.. Leaders that are all corrupt and don't give a damn about the millions and millions of people that are starving to death due to their greed. HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS OF MEN, WOMAN AND CHILDREN GET SHOT OR BEATEN TO DEATH BY THE POLICE IN THESE COUNTRIES EVERY YEAR. just look at the genocide and destruction in Zimbabwe, Uganda, Congo... It happens daily in South Africa too.Police violating their power. . I hope the world stands up for these people too. But sadly very few people care what is going on in Africa. We don't make news. It's just another day. ???