How is it possible every nation in the Antarctic treaty has held up their end of the deal? No oil exploration? Nothing? Seriously? Why does John Kerry keep going there? He may be a Globalist climate radical, but seriously? He's not a scientist! Why is every thing these people have done exactly like Nazis? Even down to medical experimentation?Where did those 43,000 german women who were shipped to Antarctica at the end of WWII go? Is it possible we are actually dealing with the 4th Reich? Did Nazis really escape to Antarctica? Why can't a plane traverse it? Why are all plane paths set to completely avoid it? Environmental reasons? For real? If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you! What is our reality? WHO or WHAT is in Antarctica?
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Please. The Nazis of "Jude star" fame were not evil? Who murdered indiscriminately for different beliefs?
There can be more than one evil competing for the pie. Stalin for example was also evil, but was fighting another evil.
I said making people wear a Jude star is evil. We would condemn it today. Like vaccine passports. Don't change the subject to your own shilling for holocaust denial, it has nothing to do with my argument.
The Germans did to the Jewish-Germans what the Americans did to the Japanese-Americans.
And they did it for the same reasons: they didn't know who's side they were on. An argument can be made that both were wrong in doing so, but at least the Germans had real evidence of treason within, whereas FDR did not.
Then you are part of the problem. Persecuting people based on their personal beliefs, like taking the vaccine or not, is not righteous or virtuous. It is evil and hateful.
Lots of people in history. Mao in China. The Jews in Russia/Soviet Union (against the Ukrainians). The Jews in Poland (against the Germans). To name a few.
And all of that is evil. Why do people feel the need to point out "well, other people did it" whenever evil is correctly identified?
No disagreement that it is all evil. Having said that, nobody in western society disputes that the Chinese were evil (except for the commies), but many dispute that the Jews were also evil in what they did. Pointing out that nobody gets a free pass to be thought of as holier-than-thou is important.
Would you care to enlighten me about the Russian Jews killing Ukrainians? What era is this from? The only relevant item I'm familiar with are the pogroms, which of course killed thousands of Jews in Russia as well as Ukraine.
I'm questioning how much you know about Nazi Germany, or are you just parroting the narrative that the average person knows
you are wrong. the star that they made jews wear is the 5 pointed star of satan... the jews call it the star of david because they think we are stupid and will associate it with king david
No, that is ignorant and incorrect. The star of satan is the upside down pentagram. The star of david symbolizes the equality of male (triangle up, penis) and female (triangle down, uterus).
so youre jewish?
Q said they are saving Israel for last for reasons we dont know yet.
One of those reasons is because the jewish church is the head of the cabal. Get over it.
watch that documentary series and stop spreading lies
You said that the six sided star is the satan star. Here are some images to prove you wrong in case you don't understand words
Don't change the subject. My claim was that making people wear a moniker like a "Jude star" is a symptom of evil. That's why we compare vaccine passports to Jude stars. Because it's a universally accepted form of evil. Unless you're ignorant.