about a week ago, my daycare has a sign on the window stating that they have had a few cases of hand, foot and mouth disease. And wouldn't you know, 4 days ago, my 1-yr old (doesn't go to daycare yet), me and my wife (pregnant) get knocked the f**k over with this virus.
Upon investigation, it seems that it is rare for people over the age of 5 to contract this virus, but in my family, we are batting 1,000. Interestingly, 5-yr-old that goes to this daycare does not have it. Go figure.
Reason for post: I've been hearing about multiple adults contracting this virus all-of-a-sudden. Anyone else privy to this?
Yes, my doctor picked it up and got absolutely rekt for a week. He thinks child passed it from daycare. Just like you I don't think the child got it either.
More importantly, and just like I asked my doctor, why the fuck are you letting strangers raise your children?
We were also told, kids can pick it up and spread it without actually being infected with it.