imagine you want to release thousands of incriminating documents to the public gathered by military intelligence
how do you release it to the public? Find an old madman with a rebellious reputation who would be happy to retire to an island for the rest of his life.
Stage the data release as a "deadmans switch of an old assassinated madman" pay him off he disappears 5head
From his twitter history, he's neither white hat or black hat. He was basically for himself. However, he claims to have information against the black hats, so we'll see what comes of that.
Not sure but the headlines made me think of this old vid. Back during Epstiens initial arrest it was speculated on r/Epstein that the YouTube handle "Rusty Shackledord" was McAfee with his drone footage of Little St. James
On one of his drone footage vids during the island investigation, you can see the fuzz blocking view of windows with cardboard and curtains... Just like what happened on election night
imagine you want to release thousands of incriminating documents to the public gathered by military intelligence how do you release it to the public? Find an old madman with a rebellious reputation who would be happy to retire to an island for the rest of his life.
Stage the data release as a "deadmans switch of an old assassinated madman" pay him off he disappears 5head
This man better be with the white hats... He's a national treasure!
From his twitter history, he's neither white hat or black hat. He was basically for himself. However, he claims to have information against the black hats, so we'll see what comes of that.
So...I don't get it.
Did he know too much?
He was gonna spill the beans?
More dead man drops from his Instagram?
Not sure but the headlines made me think of this old vid. Back during Epstiens initial arrest it was speculated on r/Epstein that the YouTube handle "Rusty Shackledord" was McAfee with his drone footage of Little St. James
On one of his drone footage vids during the island investigation, you can see the fuzz blocking view of windows with cardboard and curtains... Just like what happened on election night
Everyone knows that you only drop 30TB at once... rookie mistake.
So much praise in here. You guys do know he was a confessed cannibal and most likely a pedophile right?
He's definitely weird and possibly all of the above, but...
The "documentary" exposing him as a pedo/murderer was directed by the woman who made a Hillary Clinton puff piece documentary.
Leftists do love their projection after all.
So, he knew what he was talking about?
He had a very severe drug and alcohol problem. Bath salts were his favorite.
Who fuckin knows dude. Totally plausible, maybe most likely. But really who fuckin knows.
Perhaps but maybe he had a change of heart and chose to work with the good guys?
So brilliant!