In C.S. Lewis' "Mere Christianity," Lewis compares Jesus Christ to his glasses' lenses. I interpreted his words as seeing the world "through Christ," rather than "Christ in everything." This makes even more sense, now, since I've been on this Awakening path. Seeing the world through Jesus Christ has revealed the hidden things.
After college, I knew that the system was unfair, but I still needed money to eat. I saw that illegal immigration was a problem, but I was just-as-poor-as-them and under debt. I worked in Pharma, saw the lies of price-collusion, of regulatory evasion, and how Executive-Suite level employees could fleece companies for billions.
But I just had to survive. Make a good life for myself, and I can change the world from the ground-up. How wrong I was. This war has existed for all time.
I observed in Cool Runnings (1987) gentle suggestions both of multiculturalism and blasphemy towards God. I just finished reading a 400-page book on the Holodolmor, which ended by saying "what happened in Ukraine was not a genocide, because the UN changed its definition." And I'm reading Albert Camus' "The Myth of Sisyphus," which promotes immorality as morality and man's reason higher than God's.
Now I can't even read a historical novel without the lens of Christ helping me to see the bias. Why do they never mention banking? With all the evidence laid out before them, why are authors and publishers so AFRAID to do their job? How can I trust any institution, after I've looked at their funding sources?
I've learned about Planned Parenthood. I've learned how white Christians have been dis-proportionally targeted for genocide. I've learned that Western society has been corrupted to worship demons, and to deaden our spiritual senses.
Once we've awakened, we can never go back. Why would we want to? Did we ever enjoy seeing this world without the lens of Jesus Christ?
That book matured my mind to match my child-like faith.
As has it matched mine. I am surprised how much more meaning that the bible has, now, that I've matured.