I've never heard of this documentary until watching a video by Badass Uncle Sam. Watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s Zero point energy, Nikolai Tesla, JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, these families' control over medicine, energy, and money; the Illuminati, the Hegelian dialectic model of problem->reaction->solution, fearporn media, vaccines, DEPOPULATION, the need for paper ballots, etc.
Holy crap. Just watch. Share it with people who may be adverse to Q, but who may be open to just general stuff.
The only fault I find with this video is at the very end. Having going into the free, unlimited energy systems that he showed are existing technologies, the documentary maker starts showing stuff like solar energy and windmills which we know are a stupid distraction from our full potential. He touches on "social justice," but not entirely not the way SJWs will have us think it entails. Still, watch as this is mostly like a Q 101 type of documentary. EDIT: I had to redo the URL because although I didn't realize it at the time, there is an official Thrive channel on YT. Watch that instead.
Zeitgeist is left. Thrive is right… the destination envisioned is anarcho-capitalism.
Zeitgeist movie maker sits in with WEF. He is a Great Reset guy.
It is about captivating the attention and slowly moving you into their mindset of communism. And Voila: what a brave new world.