The money is coming from Biden's stimulus (I believe I'd heard it was $8 billion to market the vaccine) and will likely flow through health depts, down to community-based organizations for the outreach.
You're correct. . .the govt. won't know if you've been vaxxed or not for quite a while. Vaccine administration is very de-centralized, and data collation is probably is in a state of chaos right now. Looking at the data collection form that was posted here a few days ago, it seems as though they mainly want to collect info on people do do additional vaxx contacts on. It's really just a glorified survey, probably with crappy data collection techniques.
Scare tactics to break people down. I also think that, if people become provoked by these contacts, it will become dramatic clips for the nightly news. (Just like the anti-maskers on airlines and in stores.)
You're right, and the work for the Census begins at least 18 months beforehand. It's going to be a real Clown Show!
Also assuming that community-based workers do the contact, there will be more like 20% institutional overhead for the contracts, even before hiring the workers and getting them equipment. Add in data entry, cleaning, computer resources, and the money won't go too far.
If these people are not from a public health agency that is legitimately performing activities to actually mitigate and stop the spread of a disease as defined under the exemption clauses of HIPAA with regards to a situation in which protected health information (PHI) can be disclosed without the prior written consent of an individual patient, then this is a violation of HIPAA.
The money is coming from Biden's stimulus (I believe I'd heard it was $8 billion to market the vaccine) and will likely flow through health depts, down to community-based organizations for the outreach.
You're correct. . .the govt. won't know if you've been vaxxed or not for quite a while. Vaccine administration is very de-centralized, and data collation is probably is in a state of chaos right now. Looking at the data collection form that was posted here a few days ago, it seems as though they mainly want to collect info on people do do additional vaxx contacts on. It's really just a glorified survey, probably with crappy data collection techniques.
Scare tactics to break people down. I also think that, if people become provoked by these contacts, it will become dramatic clips for the nightly news. (Just like the anti-maskers on airlines and in stores.)
You're right, and the work for the Census begins at least 18 months beforehand. It's going to be a real Clown Show!
Also assuming that community-based workers do the contact, there will be more like 20% institutional overhead for the contracts, even before hiring the workers and getting them equipment. Add in data entry, cleaning, computer resources, and the money won't go too far.
I live on the edge of the 2nd biggest city in Illinois and from what I heard only around 10% of the census forms were even returned.
If these people are not from a public health agency that is legitimately performing activities to actually mitigate and stop the spread of a disease as defined under the exemption clauses of HIPAA with regards to a situation in which protected health information (PHI) can be disclosed without the prior written consent of an individual patient, then this is a violation of HIPAA.