I get to meet General Flynn!!!! I purchased a VIP ticket to meet him 1 on 1 and ask questions!!! Im soooo STOKED!!!!!
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This is the main event. We are taking back our world. WE are taking back our world. We don't need a savior, they have already done the heavy lifting. We just needed to be taught that we have the power, and given a world where we could exert it.
When WE take it back, we will understand it, and feel we earned it. It will be our world, and we won't let anyone take it away from us again.
The Banksters tilted the playing field and TOOK everything. The game is rigged.
We hafta fix monetary policy for this to never happen again.
We have to move back to real money yes. That transition will happen.
Facts. If we “receive” it again, people will take it for granted and we’ll be back on step one.
We need everybody on board
I think the Big Bads are already dead. I think the major minions are already in prison or walking free as controlled actors. I think the minor minions are our job to clean up.