Idiots still controlled by deep state propaganda. If it's divisive it's likely not MAGA. Wake up and grow up too while you are at it. I raised four kids. 1. Marsoc Marine (combat vet) nurse, aerospace engineer (army aviation combat vet female) and 4. A computer engjneer. All got spanked and im a tail end of the boomer generation. If you had critical thinking skills you would be so confused.
That's fine man, I'm still blaming YOUR generation for the shit that occurred before I was able to vote. Your generation got complacent and stopped being incolved and now the millenials (your kids and me) and any based Gen z will have to clean it up because, let's face it, you're too fucking old to do shit now besides talk about how great all your kids are for being part of the woke military.
The generation that got their asses beat created the generation of participation trophies... They were the parents raising the "time out" kids.
Idiots still controlled by deep state propaganda. If it's divisive it's likely not MAGA. Wake up and grow up too while you are at it. I raised four kids. 1. Marsoc Marine (combat vet) nurse, aerospace engineer (army aviation combat vet female) and 4. A computer engjneer. All got spanked and im a tail end of the boomer generation. If you had critical thinking skills you would be so confused.
That's fine man, I'm still blaming YOUR generation for the shit that occurred before I was able to vote. Your generation got complacent and stopped being incolved and now the millenials (your kids and me) and any based Gen z will have to clean it up because, let's face it, you're too fucking old to do shit now besides talk about how great all your kids are for being part of the woke military.
Edit: enjoy your Medicare and social security