Comments (15)
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Remember the Black Sox Scandal? And how people at the time started to realize baseball was rigged?
Remember the superstar they built up after that event to restore the plebs' interest in the sport?
Nothing is what it seems...
Didn't they castrate him as punishment?
No, he had testicular cancer and then he lost one testicle I do believe.
Oh! So he had it done to cut weight. I guess it would be cheaper than trying to shave a few more ounces off of a carbon fiber bike.
Haha! No seriously, if he hadn't, it would have killed him.
Bad analogy. All those fuckers cheat, so there is a level playing field. And Lance actually rode the damn bike and won the races. He lost his titles because he pissed someone off.
I think the point is to say that something that was once established as an undisputed fact that still be undone and turned on its head in one fell swoop. Just like the idea of Biden winning the election. The bad guys have to maintain that lie forever, whereas the good guys only have to expose it ONCE, and then it's all over.
My point is that Lance Armstrong didn't cheat (any more than anyone else did) and was taken down by the same group of people who stole the fucking election.
A better analogy would be Lance hopping into a sports car and driving the Tour De France - and then telling everyone that they aren't allowed to question the fact that he violated every rule in the book.
YES!! Do not reward bad behavior. Strip Biden/Harryass of the titles and throw them in prison until tribunals then go after all traitors.
Only difference is with Lance everyone was doping (cheating). Here Biden/The Dems were the only ones cheating.
What about Michael Phelps with marijuana?
LOL olympians and Mary Jane
Every time someone posts the EXACT SAME THING after someone else does, it doesn't need to be stickied.