posted ago by Duck_N_Cover ago by Duck_N_Cover +2 / -0

Wolff has just released I think his 3rd book, in as many years, all smear canpaigns on PDJT. "Landslide: last days of Trump's Presidency" was recently released and Wolff was doing the rounds and on Egghead Stelter's show again to promote. Link of interview:

By all news reports I remember at the time, Wolff was granted access to Trump interviews and sh!tted all over 45 in the first two books. MSM fawned over the sensational excerpts. Big, constant headlines for them.

Are we to believe that Trump twice granted access and got burned twice by Wolff? Then a third time recently. Given the propensity he has to let people expose themselves and then he buries them? Then, the Wolff book trifecta has no logic. Granted this guy maybe sells 10,000 books each shot and just writes the books for cnn/nyt headlines.

What is odd is this new cnn interview with stelter. Why does wolff now lay into and roast stelter for 2 minutes? The hands that fed him for the last 4 years. Absolutely lay out how aweful of a journalist he is? Stelter can't do much more than grin. Cnn doesn't cut out to commercial like you would expect they would. What if...

What if wolff had some sort of role has a white hat? Who knows anything of his background or connections as i applies to this thought? What if he played a role for the last few years and each time went in and documented telling the ccn's and msdnc's "hey you know this is all bs right? OK, how do we want to do this segment"?

Why would Trump logically talk to him for three books? Why would Wolff, now, after the "goal" of removing Trump was seemingly accomplished, shit all over stelter?? And end it with the addmission of "I'm just a book salesman"?

Probably nothing. But certainly fits in with alot of the other odd things we are seeing, questioning and scratching our heads about.