Please hear me out.
I have a hunch that Trump will not be reinstated (or voted back in via a new election) until after an economic crisis possibly triggered by the GME/AMCE shorts. Further not until the COVID/forced vaccination narrative goes into full gear again, portions of declass released with some of the lighter stuff, it is proved to the general populace that COVID was an attack and the media was complicit with all of it and clearly lying to cover it all up. Social media I imagine is going to be censored to an extent that finally disgusts even the most left leaning ideologs (minus the 4-6% lost forever).
Reason being is that I think they let Biden pull off the steal to expose the fraud and links to China as well as expose the rats and snakes in local politics. They had to expose the sheer want of the left to control everyone and control them in a dictatorial manner all the while calling everyone else nazi's. They had to show the media would go along with it and support it,
Further they also had to let Biden win because they knew that the economy and certain parts of society and government needed to be cleaned up. Optics are waaaaaay better if this happens under Biden or Kamala rather than Trump.
Once done we will stand showering in the rain like Andy Dusfrense after crawling through a river of shit to come out clean on the other side. Appreciative of our freedoms again. Understanding the importance of our constitution. Wiser to ways of those who would deceive us. And a world cleansed free of the Cabal at least for hopefully another dozen generations or so.
Please do tell. I know you have extensively studied the Q drops.
Although after reading u/pedeITA ’s warning above, I’m almost afraid to hear more.
I agree with op, for starters.
Imho a total financial collapse is in order. It's needed.
'Gold' will destroy the fed.
But im not sure it's literally gold.
Q has pointed out gold and its always in reference to [them]
Gold skin, Ra, etc.
Its possible Q is saying [they] will destroy the fed, as in they will intentionally collapse the system in a 'scorched earth' final chess move right before they fall.
I could be way off, but we'll see.
I don't think we'll see too much more in the way of medical tyranny, as the world isn't being fooled by it anymore.
So.... on to the next peice of ammo.
And so on and so on, until they have destroyed themselves and used all their ammo.
Then checkmate. We win without any significant losses (as a whole)
Then... what comes??? Idk ..
Time will tell. It'll be a reset, but not the one they wanted.
I always thought the market crash would be “controlled” by the white hats, but after reading your thoughts, now I’m not so sure.
Do you still think Trump will be reinstated in August? I’m on the fence about his presidential reinstatement, meaning maybe his official role in office has come to a close. Similar to how Q’s role seems complete also.
Thanks for sharing your analysis!
About Trump back in August, time will tell.
It's possible. It's possible the market can crash, easily, before then.
I have no clue, but I can reiterate what Q said in this drop:
Also, Q said August is HOT,
So reference HOT drops:
Plus many more. Research yourself.
Also, August:
Plus many more.
A While congress is away is a reference to this:
314 is PIE, a perfect circle. A completed journey.
Locked and loaded references are likely references to all the BOOM, MOAB, gun drops etc. Ie:
Plus tons more.