A PRAYER FOR OUR PRESIDENT - THE REAL ONE Almighty God, you are the ruler of nations And in your Providence you guide the course of world events. In your wisdom you have established civil authority And have given us the freedom to elect our leaders. Your Son, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Has instructed us to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s And to give to God what is God’s”. Your Word, furthermore, instructs us to pray for all in authority, That we may lead peaceful and tranquil lives In all godliness and devotion. We ask you, therefore, to bless and protect all who govern us. We pray not only that they will walk in the way of salvation, But that their decisions and policies May protect us, our nation, our families, and our future. In particular, bless our duly-elected President, Donald J. Trump. Give him holy wisdom, Surround him with your angels of protection, And provide him the strength to carry out his duties each day. Enable him to fulfill his oath To preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Grant that by his decisions, He may protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Thank you for all the good you have accomplished through his service. Confirm him in his intention To eliminate corruption from the seat of power in Washington DC, To secure the borders and strengthen the military of our nation, To frustrate those who plan terrorist attacks on our homeland, To foster law and order in our communities, To protect our citizens from the current pandemic, To restore and strengthen our economy, To promote honesty and fairness in our trade agreements, To appoint to our courts judges who will faithfully apply our Constitution and laws as they are written, To defend the lives of the unborn from the violence of abortion, To improve our healthcare system, To properly care for our veterans, To defend the sacred heritage and safety of Israel, and the good of all our allies, and To promote and defend the freedom of all citizens in the United States and throughout the world to live according to their religious beliefs. Lord, send your Spirit to our President, That he may glorify you in every success, And find consolation from you in every sorrow. Protect his family, Guide his advisors, And enable his Administration to accomplish today Those things that will secure the physical and moral strength of our nation For our children and grandchildren. Father, we trust in Your Providence, Which from its Founding has guided and blessed The United States of America. Grant that this trust may grow and be rewarded As we live our calling To be good citizens on earth And faithful citizens of your heavenly Kingdom. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Amen!! Wonderful expression of my sentiments also!