A "training exercise," eh? Maybe. Maybe not. I wonder which 17 time zones this operation covers? That would be very telling, if we knew. For example, if the zones include only the west coast and zones going west across the Pacific, we could surmise that it is in response to Chinese threats. But if the zones included CONUS, both coasts, and centered mostly on the Continental US (CONUS), that would be a whole different game.
Based on the hashtags (#NavyEurope, #PacificFleet) I’d say that the CONUS is central. I do not know the AOs of all of the fleets involved but that’s my spitball guess.
A quick internet search will tell you that 2d Fleet = North Atlantic, 6th Fleet = Europe, 3d Fleet = NE Pacific, 7th Fleet = WestPac, 10th Fleet = cyber warfare (necessary on today's battlefield - all services have this in one form or another)
I didn't look this up, but it seems legit that 17 time zones would span from the Pacific to Europe.
A "training exercise," eh? Maybe. Maybe not. I wonder which 17 time zones this operation covers? That would be very telling, if we knew. For example, if the zones include only the west coast and zones going west across the Pacific, we could surmise that it is in response to Chinese threats. But if the zones included CONUS, both coasts, and centered mostly on the Continental US (CONUS), that would be a whole different game.
So.... anyone know what those 17 time zones are?
Based on the hashtags (#NavyEurope, #PacificFleet) I’d say that the CONUS is central. I do not know the AOs of all of the fleets involved but that’s my spitball guess.
A quick internet search will tell you that 2d Fleet = North Atlantic, 6th Fleet = Europe, 3d Fleet = NE Pacific, 7th Fleet = WestPac, 10th Fleet = cyber warfare (necessary on today's battlefield - all services have this in one form or another)
I didn't look this up, but it seems legit that 17 time zones would span from the Pacific to Europe.
Thanks Anon. Didn't have time for a search at that moment. Good stuff.