posted ago by ATLAS_ONE ago by ATLAS_ONE +26 / -3

I don't know if this has been talked about much here, but if it has just entertain a brother.


The Great Reset. The Great Awakening. Whatever you want to call it. Whether you are a White Hat, Black Hat, Gray Hat, or even a Canadian, we all probably agree on one thing: the world as we know it can not and should not continue. We all just have different opinions on what the world should look like afterwards. Some of us want our Ancapistan, some want a globalist one world government, some want to team up with Mel Gibson in a never ending time loop of the year 1776. So, it doesn't seem too far fetched that the "patriots" (think X22) have their own Great Reset in mind.

This brings me to Q. Q has said multiple times that "we have it all" and "patriots in control". Now, if we cast as wide a net as possible and recognize that "Q" is a world wide movement, then it is not unreasonable to assume that Q is not just referring to the USA's political environment, but the whole world. I mean, Trump does like to "think big" after all. Now, lets step into Trumps mind for a second and start thinking big. Real big. Maybe even bigly...

What does every government in the world, including the Trump administration, have in common? They are pushing these motherfucking vaccines like a Mormon who just emptied a crate of Red Bulls before his shift. Now, you all may have different opinions of these vaccines. Some of you may have popped a couple of Pfizer's and discovered your hair grew back. Some of you may have sunk a few tinnies with Astra and his mate Zeneca and came out the other end looking like Sloth from the Goonies. It doesn't matter. You should all be asking yourself the question WHY? Why are they trying to shove this down our throat like nothing we have ever seen before?

Scare Event.

In post 521 Q states the following:




What if the vaccination narrative is a global campaign warp sped by Q and the Trump administration to scare the shit out of the general population so they stop sucking the governments dick? What if every government in the world is coordinating to achieve 80% vaccination rates just so they can then turn around and say:

Nah, sucked in faggots you've all been poisoned.

In my opinion this could unite the world in a way never seen before and cause people to finally shake off their obsession with big government. We had separation of church and state after hundreds of years of conflict. Maybe this will finally allow us to achieve separation of the state and economics, healthcare, and everything else possible. Cleansing the whole system head to toe world wide.

Problems with the theory

  1. Will the vaccines actually be dangerous in the long run or will it be a massive bluff? I don't know, everyone and their dog seems to be obsessed with overpopulation these days. Either way it probably doesn't matter. Being poisoned or being lied to on a global scale will still piss people off and scare them.

  2. Why would Q tell us in advance? Are they trying to save a few of us for after they satisfy their depopulation appetite?

  3. Will a scare event even work? Let's be honest. The entire 20th century was one big scare event. Multiple global wars that decimated Europe and many other parts of the globe. Hundreds of millions of people murdered by the cancer that is socialism/communism. If that century didn't wake people up, will anything? I suppose one could argue that, with the exception of Europe, it didn't really hit normies on home soil.
