765 Fuck me dead here we go! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by magayd45 3 years ago by magayd45 +766 / -1 187 comments download share 187 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
<waiting to see who's dumb enough to post on a public website that they intend to "come out blasting">
What he said ^
Yea good at talking the talk but not so good at walking the walk.
No, sorry fren, we don't talk about violence. We keep the option to defend ourselves at the ready. That's as far as I'll go here.
You’re just jealous we don’t have Sydney style lockdowns even in our bluest cities.
I don’t blame you - if I were Australian, going what you guys are going through, I’d be pissed off and jealous of the US, too.
Remember this day when (if) you guys defeat your cabal. Your new constitution should enshrine your God-given right to self defense.