On the symposium, the question was posed as to why the military can not be called in to stop the obvious coup and the answers were no it wouldn't work or they didn't want to be asked to do it if they were military. So my fantasy of that happening is dead as is the idea that the "military is in control." So if the way is through the legislatures and courts aren't we toast since the judicial is so compromised at every level? Hope I am missing something.
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Guess I missed the part where the guys in the symposium were heading up the military.
Also, optics.
Cryptonomicon (book) goes into a lot of depth around this sort of thing. What do you do if you have the key to the enemy's communications? Rush in for every battle with info gleaned from it and the enemy will notice and change his codes and communications. One part of the book. Engima had been captured. Planning for an attack on a battle group out in the Med. The allies already have a force waiting for the group based off craked codes. To mask the info they send out a lone scout plan, that sees the group and even gets shot at. The attack on the German group is done only AFTER the plane has and enough time to return to base, report, 'a group assembled'. Timing had to fit that gosh darn "Narrative" to keep the Germans thinking that Engima was still A-OK.
It's also why we had to be so secretive about capturing the U-505 submarine, the Brits had cracked Enigma but if the Germans found out we had captured the actual machine and code books they'd change their encryption.
This smells of Shillery. At what point did Mike Lindell become the head of the Military and privy to top secret intel? Don’t get me wrong, I love the dude. Best pillow merchant ever, but he’s NOT part of the Q team. There’s only 3 non military members of the Q team, Trump is the only one we have confirmation of. So while I DO think Pillow Man has some white hat backing (otherwise he wouldn’t be able to pull off as much as he has) He’s not on the actual Q team and not privy to every little detail that they are.
Don’t believe everything you hear or see. The military has been in control for a very long time. You are witnessing the most skilled military operation in the history of civilization. Trust God. NCSWIC
Exactly right!! Steve Pachenick has already laid out how it would happen with the military behind the scenes months ago on Alex Jones.
Mike Lindell isn't Q.
Think logically (expand your thinking, 1) if YOU were going to use the military (surprise) would YOU tell people ahead of time? 2) Moreso, if the military were planning such involvement then only a very, very small group would be in a position to actually know the plan. The Lyndell orbit would not be in that loop.
So no worries mate. Regarding their inference, it means little to nothing.
Who says the military didn’t do a fly over yesterday and today. Eyes are everywhere.
Wow its a bit shilly in here. Did you expect them to say “MILITARY Q MEMBERS: COME ON DOWN!!!!” And bring them on stage to the “Price is Right” theme?? (Google it if you’re too young)
They can say what they want. It won't erase the evidence I've seen with my own eyes. Can you imagine what the fake news media would say if they agreed?
Maybe the military will keep us safe from China or any other outside threats while we, the storm, regain control of this country?
My read into it, we have to overcome these hurdles first. Military is the last step. First we have to go through the courts, force these scum into submission. They are petty childish tyrants, with weapons of massive deadly destruction. And they have a massive hate-boner waiting for any excuse. I love my military, but running in guns blazing is about the stupidest idea I've ever heard.
Agreed but the courts seem to be getting the best of we the people
Just don't give up. How many battles, historical and fictional, have come down to nothing more than who was most determined?
Dumb but dreamy lmao
Not missing a thing.
The military has a duty. This is a true US disappointment. Glad my father is not witnessing thia destruction and dereliction of duty.
I've thought the same about my dad.