"August 2021. The best is yet to come." He posted this on his Telegram after the Symposium ended. He knows.
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Good analysis. I have always known a crash and monetary reset plays into all this i just didn't know what would come first. So ur thinking they pull the pin & crash it, Arizona results, military removal of belligerent occupiers, mass arrests, end of covid bullshit, Trump return? Thats kinda my rough outline. Trump has referenced chyna owing us $10T USD. Kinda wonder if that means we seize every last chyna asset in the USA? Regardless of how it plays out, a big pile of flaming shit is headed our way, but is necessary to reclaim our great nation!
Yeah I’m sure it’s part of it and there have been Q references/proofs between GME that other anons have dug up. Interviews with GME execs and tweets have been very telling with them talking about companies that ‘become movements’ and change tye