SHILL IDENTIFICATION MANUAL: Ever wondered what the difference between a newb genuinely asking questions and a POS shill here only to sow discord and lies? The difference can hard to spot, but u/MyPillowHurts puts on a master class for anyone on GreatAwakening wondering how to spot 'em at work!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Allow me to impart more lingo.
The origin of kek.
In the game World of Warcraft, there are two factions of races battling against each other. To avoid collusion in "Player vs. Player" servers, there is a word scrambler such that one factions cannot understand the other. Each faction has a common language, Human for the Alliance, Orcish for the Horde. And when "lol" is said in Orcish, Alliance faction players read "kek" instead.
Then there's Pepe, a frog character turned meme.
It turns out Kek is also a deity from Ancient Egypt, represented by a frog, and the characters on the base of statues of Kek look like a person in front of a computer https://world.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/keke_pepe.jpeg
Since then Kek has become the purveyor of meme magic, and Pepe his prophet. Praise Kek.