Stella Immanuel MD: We are so totally swamped with patients seeking HCQ and IVMT with no where else for them to go. We went from 100 to 700+ a day signing up for telehealth in three weeks. We have a great need for mom and pop pharmacies that can help the people.
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I can attest to this. The doctor we use went from about 10 Scripts for ivermectin to over 600 now. Also they just banned NAC which is used as a carrier for zinc. Next level fascism.
You can still get NAC for now, pipingrock.com has it.
Lots of places have it only Amazon banned the sale
FDA is attempting to ban NAC permanently as OTC and make it prescription only.
Yes and NOW has it directly on their website, just got mine.
I wish Pure Encapsulations made NAC. They're one of the few brands I trust to not load their supplements up with extra garbage and are thoroughly tested for quality and what's on the label is what is in their products.
Which companies sell good trusted supplements? I've trusted NOW, Dr's Best, jarrow (and hope they're still ok). Swanson is 'neutral' since I have no good or bad data, but their brand Vit D always gave me a nice and expected high blood D level, so at least their D3 is good, and I've used their stuff (but as you know: often times an 'effect' of a supplement isn't always evident, unless you have a condition it helps (ie no arthritis, allergies for me to test these supplements). Anyone have thoughts, ideas, tips, etc? (besides the tip to stop my run-on sentences....)
Yes they are very legit, I don’t have any incentive from them. I having getting my stuff from them for years. Way cheaper than Amazon on almost everything supplemented related.