We have all been called to stop being complacent. Stop being commenters and lurkers only.
To this end, I am making a stand at work. Getting involved in local politics. Very importantly, signed up to be an election observer and training. Calling politicians.
Please list below all YOU are doing to make your stand, OUR stand now. Your response will inspire others.
Generally I am an over the top loud mouth about anything involving our rights. I try to let people know how I see things, it is important to have conversation with others so that they can see your own point of view, we need that connection also. Something that I think that people fail to realize is that politicians have no real power, they are delegated the task of carrying out the will of the citizens. This essentially makes them servants. <awfully close to serpents, lol> the citizens have always had the power, we have just been lulled to sleep by the idea of the masses, which is a complete illusion. Twitter and facebook have almost always been bots and paid accounts trying to advertise. If you can make it look like a lot of people want something then you can make a lot of people want something because most people want to "belong". Even before the tech age, however, everything has been manipulated to such a degree that nothing is even close to real anymore. Going back to the desire to belong, I think that is kind of how we got here. It is so much easier to fit in than stand out, overall anyway. Too many people want to be cool and more people need to want to be left the fuck alone, something they sadly realize way too late. poor Brittany. And all to sell sneakers made by some unpaid child intern in a sweat shop, or unpaid child miner's diamonds.
Politics need to be abolished and we need to focus on fixing the problems. There is no left or right on this, and we certainly should not be infighting with our neighbors over who can get a bigger budget surplus when we fail to meet the basic needs of the masses daily, mostly education and access to healthy nutrition. Which is such an easy goal to accomplish in the modern era. Meanwhile, most states cannot even figure out recycling.
I am a real hoot at parties.
Good luck in the arena, if you are in my state and you fuck up you can expect me to tell anyone and everyone about it.
Securing undeveloped land, building a food forest, then inviting the neighborhood to participate so they can too.
Homesteading our off grid property, told my boss I wouldn’t enforce mask mandates from customers, and assisting in organizing homeschool pods. Picketing with nurses and healthcare workers against the vax, attending people’s right meetings. Flooding inboxes of school superintendents and school boards. Supporting local up and coming political figures. And of course the ol digital battlefield is always poppin