I hit the wall yesterday, hearing unvaccinated people in France can’t buy food and seeing that a 28 year old died of Covid and no one would give her Ivermectin. A sheeple friend called this morning and I told her, look, you’ve called me a conspiracy theorist for a decade now and everything I told you has come true. Yesterday, they stopped letting people in France go into grocery stores. There is ample evidence now that a totalitarian government is taking over and I’m sorry, but I’m blaming people like you for letting this happen. You have said and done nothing to stop this march. So, until this is all over, I find it very painful to be friends. Our conversations avoid what is truly happening in the world and that’s precisely why it’s happening. I can’t pretend anymore. You need to stand up for this country and for your family. This is what happened in World War ll. Good luck. I hope you’re prepared for the bed you are making.
She hung up on me. And that’s just fine.
Anyone who wants to dig their heads in the sand while I am being ostracized by society for my choices is no longer welcome in my life.
The tables have turned. I’m going to let the sheeple know they are WRONG and therefore complicit in this march to a One World Government.
I'm so incredibly sick of the blind, willfully stupid people in my life. Thank God I have co-workers and a son (who has refused to allow college to program him) that still have common sense.
I empathize, AB. I don't talk to many friends anymore at all. My best friend for 30 years has a pregnant wife and they willingly got her the shot. Although to his credit, he doesn't get angry with me when I express distrust of the corona virus "vaccine", but I know that if I really try to wake him up, it will create a serious divide.
I ran into a neighbor a few nights ago while walking the dogs. Hadn't seen him in over a year. Great neighbor, very nice guy. Wife and two kids in their early 20's. He stated that they're all doing fine, proudly stated that they're all vaccinated and then alluded to one of the other 3 not getting vaccinated for a long time and that a pressure campaign within the family got the hold out to take the jab. He then went on to say that he likes the new normal and not having to go out much at all.
He then presumptuously asked "when did you guys get vaccinated?", to which I responded "We're in the control group for this big experiment."
He looked at me blankly for a moment and said "There's a control group? What experiment? Is there a study?"
I said "Yes. Normal vaccines typically take 10 to 15 years to bring to market after rigorous trials and testing done by 3rd parties. This one took 9 months to produce with no 3rd party testing or oversight. It's also an entirely new type of vaccination that doesn't rely on weakened or dead virus to produce an identical immune response. So this entire process is a grand experiment. And with any scientific experiment, a control group is critical to the success of the experiment."
He stared at me for a bit and then said "I guess that makes sense. Good to see you."
This man is a mechanical engineer, highly educated and has been working in his profession for almost 30 years. But fear has robbed him of his intelligence like so many others.
This is fantastic, I’m going to memorize it. Thank you!