...The declaration was signed in October 2020 by professors from Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and Nobel Prize-winning scientists who are considered leaders in their fields of epidemiology, virology, public health, vaccines, etc.
What governments and transnational corporations are currently doing to the world has nothing to do with public health or saving lives.
If it was about public health, they wouldn't be censoring scientists at the top of their medical fields at the world's best universities.
If it was about saving lives, every elderly or immuno-compromised person would have been given zinc, zinc ionophores, vitamin d, and other prophylactic medicines in March 2020 based on decades of medical research on RNA viruses and respiratory viruses.
Which leaves the question, why are they doing this❓
Which leaves the question, why are they doing this❓
The plot is becoming clear. Wait for FDA approval. Wait for mandatory vax mandates across the board. Wait for people to start freaking out.
Then first they will expose the blood test that can show you how many days u got to live (if u took vax).
Then they will have everyone wailing and screaming and finally hating the Evil
This IS the STORM. Its the people, at all levels rising up and fighting against the Evil, organically. The white hat simply cut off the strings of any DS agents/agencies so that these people will not be stopped.
...The declaration was signed in October 2020 by professors from Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and Nobel Prize-winning scientists who are considered leaders in their fields of epidemiology, virology, public health, vaccines, etc.
What governments and transnational corporations are currently doing to the world has nothing to do with public health or saving lives.
If it was about public health, they wouldn't be censoring scientists at the top of their medical fields at the world's best universities.
If it was about saving lives, every elderly or immuno-compromised person would have been given zinc, zinc ionophores, vitamin d, and other prophylactic medicines in March 2020 based on decades of medical research on RNA viruses and respiratory viruses.
Which leaves the question, why are they doing this❓
We already know why....
To start The Great Reset
You sound like you've already accepted it.
I'm stuck in central MD,
God Help us all
That's obviously a rhetorical question as we all know exactly why....
You Got me...
No snarky offense intended... 😎 Just amazed at how dumb they think we are.... And slightly annoyed at the same time....
I'm not amazed at how dumb they think "we" are, I'm amazed at how dumb the other they that make up the "we" are.
The plot is becoming clear. Wait for FDA approval. Wait for mandatory vax mandates across the board. Wait for people to start freaking out.
Then first they will expose the blood test that can show you how many days u got to live (if u took vax).
Then they will have everyone wailing and screaming and finally hating the Evil
This IS the STORM. Its the people, at all levels rising up and fighting against the Evil, organically. The white hat simply cut off the strings of any DS agents/agencies so that these people will not be stopped.
Controlled Demolition
Still tho:
Link for what buddy?
Nvm it’s in the thread. I was being semi-lazy.
Still, I think it is reasonable that OPs should include primary sources.
the fuck are you even talking about dude
what exactly did you think Great Awakening was going to be?