Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.
Vaers IS for anyone to report anything, with no verification. I wonder why they are letting that happen? It doesn't seem like their MO. They like control. But, for theory let's assume it IS correct. 7000 deaths is still only .ooo19% of all who have had vaccine. My job made me get it in March. I'm fine. (Yes, we tried magnets, with mixed results) I do not think Trump would ever say "get it, it's good" if it wasn't. Period. I think Nuerotic Fisherman is right. Hillary would have been their go to for a deadly vax.