posted ago by Memeite ago by Memeite +99 / -0

The whole thing about Trump and the vaccine has confused me for awhile. He didn’t push it hard enough to convince me that he was pushing it but enough to annoy me.

What dawned on me this week was Hydroxychloroquine. When he first mentioned the potential benefits he was shut down it was astounding.

YouTube banned the name Fake News, Faked some news, drug chains banned it the medical associations killed it.

Now Trump is not stupid and realised that there were other treatments that worked (not the vaccine). So rather than pointing them out he pushed the vaccine. He knew we are smart, informed and wise he was not worried about our abilities. He did not want to give the swamp their next drug to target, he didn’t want to make it easy for them. So he half assed pushed the vaccine, all the wile taking the credit for it. (It’s fun to remind the vaccinated that it’s Trumps vaccine they get very upset).

The other thing to mention is that all the alternative cures to CoVid are anti parasites medications all of them. Hydroxychloroquine - anti parasitic Ivermectin - anti parasitic Remdesivier- anti parasitic