It's critical to understand how militaries evolve under tyrannical conditions.
Initially, the military is what you'd expect: We exist to serve the people, so it is absolute that we cannot turn our guns on the people except to enforce some lawful action on a small minority.
However, every tyrant knows that such a military is only useful, at best, for prosecuting wars against other countries, and even then, the military will start asking why they are fighting wars against people that don't want to hurt them.
The way you switch a military over is pretty simple but it takes a while.
Replace the senior most leadership, the generals, etc... The new generals will be loyal to the tyrannical government and will be able to order the troops at best, or have the military stand down or be ill-prepared for real threats.
Replace the other officers as you can. Bring in loyalists as junior officers. Make sure they put on a good mask and pretend to be good soldiers. It takes a while for them to get enough training to become mid-level officers, but not as long as you think.
Drive out the old officers with loyalty tests. If you won't do X, then the military is not right for you. Promote loyalist junior officers to fill the gaps, and pretty soon, the entire officer corp is full of loyalists ready to do everything you ask them to, and then some.
Replace the enlisted soldiers in like manner. Except the enlisted folks don't really know what's going on. You can use soldiers from one region to enforce your tyranny on another region, playing in regional differences. You can also lie to them and tell them the people they are killing are really rebels who eat babies. But most importantly, just like the officers, you can promote the loyalists to senior enlisted positions and pretty soon, every private is surrounding by loyalists.
How long does it take to transform the military? Probably less than a decade, if you apply consistent pressure.
How close is the US military to being completely transformed? Oh, we are almost there. We are already at the point where patriots need not apply, as it is clear that they won't be welcome in the military. Only loyalists to the tyrannical regime (deep state) are welcomed and promoted in the military.
Thats why a civil war is going to happen at some point. The 500 million guns in America will eventually have to come out. I plan on stopping paying my taxes soon. I am tired of being taxed without representation.
It's critical to understand how militaries evolve under tyrannical conditions.
Initially, the military is what you'd expect: We exist to serve the people, so it is absolute that we cannot turn our guns on the people except to enforce some lawful action on a small minority.
However, every tyrant knows that such a military is only useful, at best, for prosecuting wars against other countries, and even then, the military will start asking why they are fighting wars against people that don't want to hurt them.
The way you switch a military over is pretty simple but it takes a while.
How long does it take to transform the military? Probably less than a decade, if you apply consistent pressure.
How close is the US military to being completely transformed? Oh, we are almost there. We are already at the point where patriots need not apply, as it is clear that they won't be welcome in the military. Only loyalists to the tyrannical regime (deep state) are welcomed and promoted in the military.
And THAT is why we need the draft and very few exemptions.
With standing armies, it's not a question of if they will become disloyal, it's a question of when.
If the people themselves are the military, then you cannot corrupt the military.
Thats why a civil war is going to happen at some point. The 500 million guns in America will eventually have to come out. I plan on stopping paying my taxes soon. I am tired of being taxed without representation.
I would recommend paying taxes.
Until you get a group large enough to fight the government, it's a good way to get into a lot of trouble with no benefit.