RPPM is 100% correct. IG is not the venue. They won't do shit. If I didn't think I'd lose my job for it I'd give you every one in her Chain of Command. Know this ... if she has a female anywhere in there, your probably jousting with wind-mills. I hate to say it ... I really REALLY hate to say it, but I have only met maybe 2 women in command of anything in 30years that wouldn't take any shit like this.
I'm not being misogynistic. Women in the military is perfectly OK with me. Great even ... just know, when shit gets political, they get scared.
Another anon posted the answer -
So, Ft Bliss - light their phone up guys.
Public affairs phone number: (915) 568-7002
Ft. Bliss Commanding General's "Hot Line": (915) 744-2010
Be respectful but passionate.
Her Sergeant Major ... you want her ass skinned up, call this guy.
CSM Dawadrain D. Clark Sr. (915) 744-6554
Holy fuckin' shit you mofo's work fast. 😂🤣😂🤣😂
RPPM is 100% correct. IG is not the venue. They won't do shit. If I didn't think I'd lose my job for it I'd give you every one in her Chain of Command. Know this ... if she has a female anywhere in there, your probably jousting with wind-mills. I hate to say it ... I really REALLY hate to say it, but I have only met maybe 2 women in command of anything in 30years that wouldn't take any shit like this.
I'm not being misogynistic. Women in the military is perfectly OK with me. Great even ... just know, when shit gets political, they get scared.