I am tired of seeing the police around the world putting their paychecks above our freedom. Every single one of them took an oath. Until i see them defending freedom. I will not support them. Sorry if others think i am wrong. I just call it like i see it.
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I think it is a bold statement to lump law-enforcement world wide in the same bucket. Not even all law enforcement in the same country should be lumped together.
At present the Democrats are attempting to leverage and prepare a campaign that the republicans where behind the de-fund the police. Regardless of where one falls the rewriting of history as different than what happened is bad. This is playing in to the narrative.
I am not going to address any of the individual departments world wide, but I will say in my little corner of the world they are good people and do put people and service above paychecks. They also have leadership that supports it.
Over generalization of people is falling in to the division of the enemy.
I respect your stance. And I know there are good officers out there. But they are standing shoulder to shoulder with the bad ones. And I can't find where they are doing anything about it. If you say nothing you are complicit.
Do you think you're getting the full picture?
Do you think the media is cherry picking incidents to get you to not support the police?
It feels like there are several campaigns on both sides of the aisle (grassroots and establishment) solely existing to get you to turn on law enforcement.
Now you are just ignoring evidence. Police are quiting in droves in Democrat municipalities and a significant number of French police are protesting with citizens over vaxx mandates.
You are assuming too much into my statement. 1st haven't watched any MSM since 11.3.20. 2nd. I never said all. Just get over it. We don't agree.
I did not single out MSM. I said all media.
You made generalizing statements.
What's the point in in speaking your mind if you aren't going to do it accurately.
I am tired of seeing some police around the world putting their paychecks above our freedom. Every single american officer (at least, not sure about the others) took an oath. Until i see the ones not defending freedom, defend freedom. I will not support them. Sorry if others think i am wrong. I just call it like i see it.
Not everywhere. Again you are placing all police everywhere in the world in the same bucket. This is a tool used to create division. It is not helpful. What you describe does not exist in large part with the municipal police force where I live.
Ok. We just don't see this issue the same. And that's ok.
Doesn't our blanket "back the blue" do the exact same thing? Putting all police everywhere into the same bucket?
We (police supporters) who "back the blue" are backing ALL cops, even the shitty communist ones like the Capitol Police.
Shouldn't we dump the the rhetoric and start backing GOOD cops, while doing everything in our power to remove BAD cops?
Just because YOUR police force is good-to-go doesn't mean everyone's is...