Per Q (and my own belief), the ONLY way the stolen 2020 election gets reversed/corrected is by the military. However, former military leaders (such as former General Mike Flynn and former Colonel John Mills) have been saying publicly over the past several days that there IS NO PLAN for the military to intervene and reinstate President Trump. =-O
Just within the past few days, General Flynn said that "it's up to 'We the People' to take action" (to reverse the stolen election) and retired Colonel John Mills (who says he's a military intel 'psyop specialist') said that "the military has no authority to intervene in civil proceedings" and that "there is no plan" for the military to intervene on the stolen election.
Hopefully, since both of these men are FORMER military (not ACTIVE military), they simply aren't in-the-know about what's really going on. I PRAY that they are just out-of-the-loop or they're intentionally misleading the public as some kind of mind game to fool the enemy. Because in my opinion, if there's no (eventual) military intervention to reinstate President Trump and turn America back around, then we are SCREWED. :-(
If the 2020 election is not corrected (from the top to the bottom of the ballots - across ALL the various races on the ballots) and all these MASS AMOUNT of perpetrators aren't all prosecuted, and the whole WAY our elections are even being held isn't cleaned up, there won't BE a free/fair election in 2022 or 2024 or ever. Our votes will never matter again (if they EVER did, in reality). But guaranteed - every election from here on out will be stolen since all the election THIEVES are sitting in office holding all the power - and have been for decades.
The stolen states' key senior officials (Governors, election boards, and Sec. of State - who's in charge of how elections are run in their state) are corrupt, both Houses of Congress are massively corrupt, judges/courts across the country are corrupt, D.A.s across the country are largely Soros-installed, the Supreme Court is proven to be totally compromised (rejecting the stolen election cases brought and not even considering the evidence), VP Pence proved he's corrupt by not sending the electors back to the states for an investigation on Jan. 6th, the Attorney General+DOJ as a whole is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, CISA (Cyber & Infrastructure Security Agency) is corrupt and claimed that 2020 "was the safest/most secure election in history", etc.
So what avenue/method is left for "We the People" to pursue to get the rightful winners of the 2020 election (President, House, Senate, Governor, State, Local level officials) properly seated?? EVERY path that "We the People" could utilize to overturn the stolen election is completely corrupt and NOT on OUR side. They're all just part of the Deep State cabal's machine. We're supposed to expect intervention and assistance from the very people who got seated in their jobs as a result of massive election-rigging in the first place? Yeah, right.
At time stamp 18:45, General Flynn is asked about "the so-called plan." At time stamp 19:31, General Flynn starts answering that question. Flynn says at 22:04 time stamp that there is no plan involving the military - that it's up to the American populous/everyday citizens to correct the stolen election and he urges everyone to "get involved at the local level." Flynn said: "The American people need to come to the rescue of this country - THAT's 'the plan.'"
Oh goody, so maybe in 20 or 30 years (after we're dead) - if all the LOCAL/city/county elections miraculously stop being rigged overnight - there could be enough people getting replaced in various offices to make any impact at all. But what does that have to do with our federal elections? It's at the federal level that dictates how all our federal tax dollars are spent (such as loony Climate Change bills & the Paris Climate Accord, the $2.5 trillion atrocity bill that has nothing to do with "Infrastructure", funding for the border wall, ICE and border defense, military spending, etc.).
And DC has control over all the federal agencies (such as the CDC) that dictate policies over our lives/freedoms/healthcare choices/businesses and regulatory bodies imposing insane restrictions and rules to crush business sectors, and the corrupt FBI officially branding patriots as "domestic terrorists"? What good is "protesting" or participating in 'peaceful demonstrations' when the cabal infiltrates them with FBI agents/Antifa/BLM and turns them into violent event false flags to brand us as "terrorists" and them holding 100s of patriots as POWs in DC without access to attorneys and WITHOLDING exculpatory evidence for 8 months (ongoing) without even charging them with a crime?
See 32:50 time stamp where Colonel John Mills says "there is no plan" (for the military to reverse the stolen election) and that "the military has no authority to intervene in civil proceedings."
I COMPLETELY disagree with Colonel John Mills' premise. For starters, our 2020 election was not only stolen by a dozen different cheating methods that we already know the Dems do (e.g., ballot stuffing, illegal ballot harvesting, manual adjudication of ballots, dead voters, non-citizen voters, people voting multiple times, people voting from outside the county they cast their ballot in, under-age voters, vote-flipping via ballot machines, re-running the same ballots into tabulation machines, rejecting/invalidating ballots, destroying/throwing away ballots, no signature matching on ballots, allowing people to vote AFTER the election, back-dating ballots, allowing people to vote who didn't register by the deadline, having no chain-of-custody records for ballots, blocking Republican observers at ballot-counting centers, etc.).
These are all election fraud crimes that equate to SEDITION (by the perpetrators conspiring to overthrow the rightful winner of our Presidential election and the rightful winners of our House and Senate representative seats in Congress) and TREASON (by the perpetrators conspiring with China and other countries to install senior officials across our government who can be controlled by outside entities). Crime definitions: How would these crimes NOT fall under the category of our military being sworn to protect Americans from "enemies - FOREIGN and DOMESTIC"??
In addition to all of the above, the 2020 election was also cyber-attacked by FOREIGN entities (including #1 threat China) - which is an ACT OF WAR (a 'digital Pearl Harbor') with multiple, identified hostile foreign nations who hijacked our election in order to install a captured/compromised President (Biden) and other House/Senate member tools that they can control running our federal government. If that act of war doesn't compel the military to intervene, I don't know what would.
The intel on the electronic data packets transmitting the Nov. 2020 vote tallies have been publicly revealed (via sworn affidavits, witnesses/testimony, evidence presented at Lindell's symposium, and other outlets) proving countless cyber-attack hacks with specifics, including the foreign country's IP address, date and time of intrusion/hack, and the number of votes impacted by each intrusion/hack. Plus, our own intelligence agencies investigated this and Director of National Intelligence (DNI John Ratcliffe) released a report on Jan. 19th declaring that there was foreign interference from MULTIPLE countries in the 2020 election, which we all know changed the eventual election outcome.
I see ppl w guns walking around all the time…just because
Not in DC you dont. Not citizens.