I don’t think we are dumb or ignorant. I think we are trusting and respectful. The use of children in a mass shooting HSEEP event is designed to end any questioning of the event. Sandy Hook was clearly a deception and deceptions are designed to deceive. In that aspect, many who are drawn in by and only listen to main stream media will find it hard to draw any other conclusion than the event was a horrific crime against children and some adults. Those responsible for sandy hook learned the deception technique from 9/11. Ask someone from Iowa what happened on 9/11 and they will parrot the same narrative. “They witnessed airplanes fly into buildings” when in reality, they witnessed nothing except an electronic image manipulated to deceive. The majority of people who “witnessed” 9/11 did so on television where CNN and others proudly displayed the “live” banner. The “live” banner placed us on scene and we suddenly became witnesses to a crime. As a witness to a crime scene on television, are you truly a witness? What would a judge say?
I don’t think we are dumb or ignorant. I think we are trusting and respectful. The use of children in a mass shooting HSEEP event is designed to end any questioning of the event. Sandy Hook was clearly a deception and deceptions are designed to deceive. In that aspect, many who are drawn in by and only listen to main stream media will find it hard to draw any other conclusion than the event was a horrific crime against children and some adults. Those responsible for sandy hook learned the deception technique from 9/11. Ask someone from Iowa what happened on 9/11 and they will parrot the same narrative. “They witnessed airplanes fly into buildings” when in reality, they witnessed nothing except an electronic image manipulated to deceive. The majority of people who “witnessed” 9/11 did so on television where CNN and others proudly displayed the “live” banner. The “live” banner placed us on scene and we suddenly became witnesses to a crime. As a witness to a crime scene on television, are you truly a witness? What would a judge say?