Was browsing MSM articles to see what propaganda is being pushed today, and noticed a lot of talk and push over the "drought" in the western US/Canada. We all KNOW it's freaking fake. Besides the fact that the west coast states, sans Alaska, are literally dumping trillions of gallons of fresh water into the ocean, we also know weather manipulation is a thing.
And I'm not talking about the "conspiracy theory" over the Texas snow storm. I'm talking about cloud seeding like what china and the UAE use to bring consistent water to the desert part of china and Dubai/UAE farmland. WE CAN LITERALLY CONTROL RAINFALL NOW!
So there is literally no excuse for a drought in any developed nation at this point. As such, and correct me if I'm wrong here, isn't this "drought" easily fixed once we finally overthrow the cabal and start cleaning up the government? Can't we just cloud seed the west and make it rain like cats and dogs in a controlled manner till we're back to where we want to be? I assume we can't just let it rain constantly and will have to do it in bursts so as to prevent regional flooding, but this should be an easy fix no?
Oh I'm sure there are ways to weaponize the weather, that's why I put conspiracy theory in quotes. But the point I was making was that cloud seeding a well known and documented form of weather manipulation used by several major nations around the world. So it's ridiculous to think that the drought narrative being pushed by the MSM is anything other than another manufactured crisis.