Up to now, I think it is safe to say we've been working on the assumption that the Cabal is homogenous in its goals and their ultimate plan for humanity, right?
Well, let's consider an alternate scenario where there are factions vying for control of the ship.
My research has already led me to a few of the possible factions:
Clinton Foundation is founded upon the Old Democrat party, the one that loves slavery, has American FreeMason secret societies and is built up with Rockefeller money.
The Bushes were what's left of the 4th Reich and they are at the heart of the CIA, but they have since been taken over after Obama got in.
Obama answers/answered to the Saudi's. He played the long con in the CIA and was activated to unseat the Bush dynasty for their taking out of Saddam Hussein. Hussein was a "made man" and there was an agreement he wouldn't die. Obama took the Hussein middle name out of spite, he wasn't born with it.
Hollywood has been taken over by debaucherous elements that range from just about all classes. It's now effectively the recruitment site for all things Cabal. Scientology was set up to consolidate power in Hollywood. Like a Mafia, you have to pay your dues, even if you don't subscribe to the religion. The religious elements are a front for a pay to play scheme. L. Ron Hubbard made a bet he could consolidate Hollywood, and damned if he didn't succeed. They tried to stop Scientology from taking off, if you remember all the hit pieces. Other factions are sick of them because they are so "new" and have so few of the ancient traditions holding them.
The Rothschilds took over the Vatican during WW2 and are the heart of the Central Banking system. The World Economic Forum is their bastard child. I'm not certain how much power the Rothschilds really have left, but the WEF seems to have a life of its own now.
Biden played all the fields and eventually landed in with the Clintons and Rothschilds' camp. I'll get to why that's important later.
There are more factions, but these are the most pertinent.
Okay, now the meat and the potatoes. Like I said, we've been working under the assumption that their goals are homogenous; that they all want to take the world into a New World Order and control it according to the Georgia Guidestones. You know, full Antichrist Dystopia style.
Now, consider this -- the headless chicken routine we are seeing in the MSM and with all these factions is hard to follow, right? What if the reason for that is that they are all conflicted with how to rule the world.
You have some that just want to go back to ruling the world with Secret Societies, coded language in the Media, and live in their mansions built on the backs of the Income Tax Slaves (you and me).
You have some that want to be able to openly practice their depravity, a la pedophilia, child sacrifice, and Satanism.
Then you have the NWO types who want to rule the world with an Iron Fist and usher in the End-Times prophecy.
Okay, now follow me here on this aside; consider the Harry Potter plotline. J.K. Rowling had two possible outcomes: the magic world takes over the muggle world with Voldemort as the antichrist figure OR the magic world kills Voldemort and stays perpetually secret and ruling the muggles behind the scenes. Rowling never suggests for a second that the magic and muggle world could coexist in peace. That let's you know what side she is on and why she got canceled. She is part of the Cabal, but like Hermione, she probably is a "mudblood" and fell into the knowledge of the Secret Elite and wrote books inspired by it. They raised her up but she, probably like many, rejected the NWO angle and just want to live in a secret caste of elite "magicians."
Now back to my theory.
What we are seeing in the Cabal right now is an internal power struggle to figure out what to do now they have an actual enemy at the gates, inside the walls, and under their feet.
Do they try to make deals and go back to ruling as secret societies?
Do they press on with the NWO and go for broke, as this is likely the last chance they have to attempt such a thing?
Or do they give up, admit Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, and let the Truth come out once and for all?
Their leaders are in disarray and have no clue what they are doing. They've never been challenged like this and their hubris and pride led them to believe they would never have to fight this hard. Their suspicions of one another are working against them.
Okay, now to Biden. I think Biden has lost his mind, in more way than one. Factually, I think he is feces-smearing on padded walls insane at this point. He always played whatever team was on top, and now doesn't remember whose side he is on.
You see, it's like this. Every Vice President has been an insurance policy. No President truly selected his Vice President. The VP was always the second most powerful faction's stooge standing behind the President making sure they didn't step too far out of line and pull a Kennedy. Look at any pair and you'll see every President and Vice President come from separate factions. The standout would be Reagan and Bush Sr.
That also means Pence is fully controlled. Trump had to choose Pence because otherwise they would have stopped at nothing to take both him and his VP out. Trump wouldn't have made it to Election Day, 2016 unless they had Pence in place. It's an unspoken rule you have to agree to their insurance policy.
So... Where does that leave us today?
We are seeing a dismantling of the Old Guard in its entirety. Most Factions don't have the full picture, because the heads keep leverage over one another. In reality, the higher ups probably all know it is over and are stringing the lower levels on so someone can play scapegoat while the bigwigs crawl away.
Most probably think that the only way forward is to collapse the NWO initiative and then go back to how it used to be, with all the secret societies ruling behind the scenes forevermore. It could explain their desperation and why they still haven't given up.
The fun part is thinking about what that means Trump and the Patriots did. They forced the NWO proponents to fight with the Secret Society proponents. They've created a Civil War of ideals within the Cabal, and shattered the numerous factions with uncertainty of what is to come.
What we are seeing, and have been for months, are these two ideals fighting one another, because there is absolutely no way they could get away with a NWO takeover after this. The jig is up and it would take at least a century to reset the global consciousness with brainwashing.
Likely, the rich ones who fronted all the money for the NWO are the ones pressing it. Think, Sunk Cost Fallacy. They think this is the LAST chance to usher in a NWO and are going for broke.
Meanwhile, all their underlings are jumping ship on the NWO and trying to piece together as much of their secret societies as they can and shove it under the bed now that the lid on Pandora's box has come off and the normies are realizing how bad it has been all these centuries.
Anyway, that's my theory. The Cabal are splitting between two ideals because they've been "Omae wa mou shinderu" 'd and are running around trying to salvage what they can before their heads explode.
The idea gets simpler if you recognize that dinosaurs may be a modern invention. Initially mind-blowing, it makes a lot of sense. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/?s=Dinosaur