I've been searching for a fren here in Daegu, but seems like SOOOO many of the teachers here have blue hair and are always the ones giving me dirty looks for no masks :P
I've lost all mine. Even the ones who I could speak to before and had an open mind, we'll they've all gone and gotten jabbed and are constantly virtue signalling about it. I have a few acquaintances, but no one I really hang out with. Leaving soon though.
Yep, I keep wondering when the vaccine passports are going to hit Korea, I know they are coming... my thought it it will be after the winter, cases will spike and then they will start pushing it.
Sucks too because I do love it here, I like walking down the street and not having to worry about getting robbed at night... and I think it's a better place for my son to grow up.
But if the passports come here then I'm going to move to a fly over state and then hunker down... hopefully with like minded folks.
I'm In Daegu, I'm pretty lucky though I own a small online design business so I don't have to worry about bosses, which is nice.
So far the only people who say anything about masks are subway officials, they will tell me to pull it up.
What part of Korea are you in?
Ulsan, are you the guy that recently arrived from the US and was upset about having to be under house arrest for two weeks?
Cause if not you have another fren somewhere in Daegu
Hahaha yeah, that was me :P
I've been searching for a fren here in Daegu, but seems like SOOOO many of the teachers here have blue hair and are always the ones giving me dirty looks for no masks :P
I've lost all mine. Even the ones who I could speak to before and had an open mind, we'll they've all gone and gotten jabbed and are constantly virtue signalling about it. I have a few acquaintances, but no one I really hang out with. Leaving soon though.
Yep, I keep wondering when the vaccine passports are going to hit Korea, I know they are coming... my thought it it will be after the winter, cases will spike and then they will start pushing it.
Sucks too because I do love it here, I like walking down the street and not having to worry about getting robbed at night... and I think it's a better place for my son to grow up.
But if the passports come here then I'm going to move to a fly over state and then hunker down... hopefully with like minded folks.