posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +263 / -0

We need “common sense election control”.

We need to go on the offense, and stop letting these clowns frame the debate. Its much easier for them to lie to us, than it is for us to prove they are lying.

Its ridiculous that if i buy something as trivial as a cup of coffee, im given a receipt that includes my purchase price, the tax paid, the total, the cash register used, the cashiers name, and a time stamp,

But when it comes to something as consequential as an election, its just too hard to document?

When cash registers were invented, they were marketed as “thief catchers”, to protect companies from dishonest employees.

I have ZERO confidence in elections, and my lack of confidence is a “threat to democracy”.

I have ZERO confidence that my vote counted as i intended.

I have ZERO confidence in the people running elections.

I have ZERO confidence in the people counting votes.

I have ZERO confidence in election machines.

I have ZERO confidence in re-counts.

I have ZERO confidence in elections, and my lack of confidence is a “threat to democracy”.

  1. voter registration purge. voters have to register before each and every election, and voter registration is only good for the next election. voter rolls will be purged after every election, to make sure voter rolls aren’t filled with dead people, or people who have moved away, or ghost voters, etc

  2. voter ID for every voter. Voter ID cards are free, paid for by the taxpayers, so no excuses about how its somehow unfair to ask voters for ID.

  3. tally-stick ballot receipts. each ballot is sequentially serialized, and theres a carbon copy. After the voter has filled out their ballot, the ballot is fed into a machine. The machine counts the ballot, and puts a time-stamp on the ballot, including the before-and-after totals of all ballots cast in that machine.

the carbon copy is torn off, and given to the voter as a receipt. The voter can use this receipt, with its serial number, to verify their ballot was counted as the voter intended on the county website.

Every lot of ballots is tracked, and every ballot must be accounted for. The number of ballots must match the number of voters.

If theres a discrepancy between voter intent and vote tally, that machine is immediately taken out of service. The machine takes a photo of the ballot, and that photo is immediately uploaded to the county website, where its able to be scrutinized by anyone, in real time.
