🤢🤢🤢New Records Show Obama Admin Purchased Aborted Babies’ Heads for $515 Each🤢🤢🤢
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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“Humanized mice” i feel like I remember that crazy asshole Alex Jones was rambling on about something like that before? Am I wrong?
He's not crazy considering his conspiracies are coming true....
Q said AJ is a psyop.
do any of AJ statements indicate that AJ is a psyop?
He was trying to say he had an insider named Zach and trying to steal the movement. He and his great friend Corsi were making big bucks off the Q movement, and leading people in the wrong directions.
He tried to say pizzagate was fake.
Alex Jones did a live broadcast on Y2K claiming the Russians were invading the United States. That should be enough to convince anybody there's something wrong with him, if the fact he "snuck" into the Bohemian Grove and lived to tell about it, along with appearing in cameos in multiple Hollywood movies wasn't enough.
There's also the fact Bill Cooper, author of Behold a Pale Horse, called him out.
Simply put, Jones is controlled opposition, He's there to expose certain truths while making you feel helpless to do anything about it, and he's also there to make truthers and patriots look like buffoons.
Yes, the fact that he is anti flat earth.
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. He is controlled opposition who states the truth a lot of the time, only to lie the rest of it.
That's why Bill Hicks "died." He's playing the comedic role of a lifetime.
Yes, and his actions do, see q post 2105. Corsi works for AJ.
But was that misinfo? Like Sessions and other shit?
Honestly, it was fucking stupid for either of them to attack each other. Q hinted at AJ being controlled oppo, but provided no evidence to such. It does not matter how many Q proofs you cite, Q still needs to provide evidence to claims same as anyone else.
The evidence is no outside comms but AJ said his boy zak had an in with them. AJ can be correct and still not be an ally. It's called a limited hangout.
Um, did you not see post 2104?
And Flynn said Alex is a “good man”—“a patriot” and that he “loves” him!
Remember, though, that Flynn was definitely icy towards AJ at one of the rallies in DC that took place last fall/winter.
Alex was trying to engage Gen Flynn and you could just tell from body language alone that he was kinda like, get away shill.
AJ is accurate about so many things but he just drives me nuts with his vein-popping delivery. I really don't wish for him to have an aneurysm. But, re Flynn, even though he did go on the show afterwards, something seems off here. Because Flynn's prior very public reaction to being approached by AJ was a cold-shoulder and look of revulsion.
LTG Flynn appeared alongside AJ on stage on 05 Jan 21. I’ll vouch for Flynn. He wouldn’t appear onstage w/ a PSYOP. AJ is long past playing his hand if he were Pied Piper OP. AJ was a known “enemy of the media” as defined within internal comms of MSM in early 2000s, about 16 years ago. I can’t provide context but I can tell you that I have inside MSM track and they’ve always been en garde w regards to AJ. And….I also think he looks a lot like Corsi.
Alex employs Corsi, Corsi is paid Mossad ... Q post 2104.
Two to start
Forensic data analysis on phone(s) and/or computers?
This is not about Guccifer 2.0. What happens if Mueller 'proves' 'Free Speech Systems LLC' aka 'InfoWars' is linked to a Foreign Intel Agency or other Non_Domestic entity?
How can the 'LEFT' use that information to DIVIDE and CENSOR the RIGHT? Why are affiliates of InfoWars constantly attacking 'Q'? Who is pulling the strings? [ ]>>>[Free Speech Systems LLC]
Def: any writing or book, especially when of a sacred or religious nature
Not solely?
Q has also said disinformation is necessary. We have white hats playing black hat rolls and vice versa. Kevin McCarthy was in Trump's inner circle and it seems he was there to lay road blocks for Trump. Fauci was placed in charge of the covid plan only to expose his evilness. It is one big twisted, tangled mess and I think it was intended to be that way to keep the black hats guessing.
Yep I was bein a smartass. He gets a lot of hate on here and I’m not sure what to think of him anymore however he’s the one that got me started questioning things like 15-20 yrs ago I guess it was when he got into the bohemian grove so I’ll always be grateful for that.
He was right about sandy hook
Fauci even had human skin growing on mice 👍🏽
AJs are even more shocking. He described China producing human/pig hybrids.
That explains the shifting appearance of resident Biden, Hillary Goddamn Clinton, etc.
And "Old Nads" Nadler, and Stacy Abrams, and Maxine Waters, and...on and on
I love Alex Jones, however he is either:
a.) Controlled Opposition. Will tell you only so much b.) Playing 4D chess. Trash talk Q to get shade off him since White House and DC Police right now going after him and Owen Shroyer right now.
Also, he did have Mike Lindell on his show and General Flynn.
I have hope he is still a good guy. I am more siding with b.) these days, since we need as many allies as we can get.
That being said, enjoy this Q Shaman Alex Jones remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILp5crGP1kk
Jones is definitely muzzled because he's been forced by courts to not say or go down certain roads. This is why Q had to anonymous unfortunately. While this had many trade offs, it was the best way to spread the real truth without repercussions such as lawsuits or police getting involved, which actually happens quite often.
Humanized mice is a common term. They put human genes in them so that when they test things on then they get results they would as if they were trying them on humans.